Chapter Seventeen

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Jaehee's Pov

After Luhan declared in front of everyone that he was going to overcome his abilities, he had been practicing for 10 hours straight every single day.

I was surprised the Phantoms hadn't made their move yet.

Though the members were there to help him out in case his strength tried to monopolize him.

I admired  his determination but I was worried that this determination of his could also become his downfall. I felt kind of useless.

That night, it was hard for me to get a shut eye because I had a lot going on in my head, so I decided to take a stroll outside to get some fresh air.

As soon as I stepped outside of the house, my entire body shivered from the cold weather, I covered myself with the cardigan I had on.

Not too long after, I heard someone panting and the sound of the wind moving, I took a quick peek at what was going on in the front lawn, to my surprised Luhan was busy with practice.

I didn't want to disturb so I just watched him from afar but I was seriously freezing, I tried to hold it in but in the end I wasn't able to. I started to sneeze but covered my mouth immediately, though he heard the sound already.

"Why are you up?" It was obvious how tired he was but he still tried to act tough.

"I could say the same to you." 

I was surprised when he flashed a smile, I was not prepared for it. My heart started pounding really hard against my chest even when I tried to calm it down.

"I was practicing." He said.

"In the middle of the night?" 

"I'm a hybrid remember?" His lips turned into a smirk as he brushed his thumb on his lower lip.

Damn it. He's obviously doing this on purpose. He knew I couldn't resist if he did that.

I shook my head to get rid of whatever dirty thoughts in my head then made my way over to him. I stood in front of him just a few meter away and locked my eyes with his. "I hate it. Seeing you get hurt, seeing you in pain. I really hate it." I could no longer hold in the tears. 

Luhan was standing just right in front of me and yet I couldn't seem to reach him at all, it was as if he was unreachable, someone I couldn't touch even if I tried to.

My feelings were all a mess, I wasn't sure about what I really want nor do I understand what this feeling meant. 

Suddenly I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me, it took me a while to realized that Luhan was hugging me. 

I didn't know why but when he hugged me, I felt such warmth that seemed a bit different than Chanyeol's. It felt as if there was a string connecting us together, a string that could never be broken.

"I'm sorry, please don't cry." I think I just heard him stifle a cry but I wasn't sure.

But regardless, I was grateful that he tried his best to reassure me even when I didn't return the hug, my body was frozen and my mind was a mess, when I thought of hugging him back, Chanyeol appeared in my mind.

It really sucks.

Lee Jaehee, what do you actually want?

= = =

The next day, everybody was already awake except me. I was still sleeping on my comfortable bed, I was enjoying the quiet until something so loud woke me up. 

"What the heck was that?" The noise came from outside.

I quickly got out of bed and ran out of the room in fright that something might happen to the others.

I ran towards the noise which came from the front lawn---Luhan was wrestling with Chanyeol---tree barks were broken and scattered everywhere.

"Holy crap, what's going on?!" I shouted in horror. They all turned their heads to me and suddenly I felt kind of embarrassed for suddenly shouting out of the blue.

"Jaehee, you're finally up." Suho smiled as soon as he saw me.

I raised a brow at his casual tone. "Uh, yeah? But why are you guys fighting?"

Chanyeol laughed which made me a bit annoyed for suddenly being laughed at when I was being all serious. "We're not fighting, we're practicing. Luhan needs to learn how to control his strength and emotions in order for him not to lash out at other because it could get ugly. So I'm helping him." He smiled.

That's it? thank god they weren't trying to kill each other. For a minute there I thought I was the caused of this outrage.

"Okay well, I'm going back to bed." I turned around and was about to walk back into the house but I suddenly felt my chest tightened, my whole body became numb and my feet were getting cold. 

Everything became a blur as my vision was gradually decreasing, it felt like I was going blind.

"Jaehee?" I heard someone called my name.

It was the last thing I heard before I collapsed onto the floor and lost all conscious.

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