Jaehee's Pov
15 minutes left...
"The Phantoms sent us a warning. There's no doubt they'll be coming for us soon, but we have no idea where or when they'll strike." Said Suho.
We were discussing about our plans on how to win against the Phantoms and their minions.
As much as I'd like to contribute to this discussion, I can't help but keep looking at the clock hanging above the fireplace.
I had less than 15 minutes before the poison started taking effect again.
Chanyeol cut in the discussion with a serious matter. "Before that, we have a more bigger problem. Don't forget, the poison isn't entirely out of Jaehee's system yet."
I was suddenly in the center of attention. I was partly scared because in order to get rid of the poison, I had to give up my humanity and it wouldn't be easy.
"Jaehee, we've told you everything already. If you want us to help you, you have to make the decision right now but if not..." Kyungsoo trailed off. "If not then we'd have to find another way to save you but it'll probably take a long time. Personally, I'd prefer it if you let us help you now." Baekhyun finished his sentence for him.
I know that, I know that if I don't make this decision then there's a chance that I might not ever recover from this poison but what can I do when I'm this terrified?
"I.." I began but stopped immediately, I wasn't sure about my decision yet so I didn't know what I should say.
"Jaehee." I looked up to see Luhan standing in front of me. "Come with me." He said before he gently grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me along with him until we were out of the house.
The others just stared, they didn't say a word but I caught a quick glimpse of Chanyeol's face---he looked like he was uncomfortable---I've never seen such expression on his face before.
"I know you're afraid. To be honest with you, I'm a little bit terrified myself." He admitted.
It was kinda shocking to know that Luhan was capable of feeling terrified over something. "You are?"
He nodded. "I've been thinking about this over and over again. What can I do to save you? Is there even another way to stop the poison? No matter how hard I tried to think of another solution, it always comes back to this option."
There's nothing more sweeter than Luhan trying to think of various ways to save me. The more I got to know him the more I could see his affectionate side.
Why was I even hesitating? Everybody's been trying to protect me since day 1 and they even wrecked their brains to come up with ways to free me from this poison.
The least I could do was return the favor and besides, there's nothing more amazing than having super strength.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "I understand," I said. I was still conflicted though. "I'll do it. If it's to save myself and lesson your worries then I'll do it."
"Jaehee..." There were still uncertainties in his eyes, made me think if my tough face wasn't enough to trick him.
He didn't say anything but flashed a smile instead.
I stopped breathing for a minute.

FanfictionGot hired by SM, forced to cut my own hair and become an EXO member. Seems like a dream come true, doesn't it?----NOT. That's not what LIFE has in store for me AT ALL. Copyright©Risiesie™ 2013. Highest Ranking; - #844 in Werewolf Credits to; jeong...