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Matt was making toast. Just toast. He was quietly humming to himself a tune long forgotten.

While waiting for the toast to cook, Tom walked into the kitchen,

"Good morning Tom!"

Tom said nothing back. He just opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of Smirnoff.

"Tom? Do you want any toast?"

Tom growled slightly. Matt, having never heard that before, took it as a no. Matt looked down and continued waiting for his toast.

He couldn't stay still any longer.
He hoped Tom had left the room. He began tapping his thighs with his hands.

Tap T-Tappidy Tap T-Tappidy Tap

He heard another growl from behind him and froze.


Matt apologized. His toast popped up. His grabbed it out of the toaster and put in on a plate. He turned around to sit st the table and eat but Tom was already at one of the chairs, wearing a scowl, eating leftover chicken from last night.

Matt hurried quickly to get to the living room.

But he tripped.

And landed on Tom.

The plate of toast fell to the ground.

Matt scrambled to get up, trying to also grab his toast and plate at the same time.

Tom grabbed Matt's head and slammed it hard down on the table.

"You better watch yourself, piece of shit."

"O-ok- I-I will!"

But tears had already started streaming out of his eyes.

"What're you, crying?"

Tom leaned in closer, to in fact see that Matt was crying.

"Wow. One little insult and you burst into fucking tears. No wonder your grandma couldn't keep you for more than a year!"

Matt couldn't help himself. He cried more. This was the first time Tom had ever done something like this,

Matt used to look up to Tom.

"No wonder your mother took her own fucking life! No wonder your dad left when you were three!"

Matt wanted to scream. But that would attract Edd and- well- then Tom would be kicked out and- Matt didn't want Tom to have to leave when he was only speaking the truth.

"You klutz! No wonder why all the teachers you've ever had didn't even try!"

Matt heard the kitchen door open.


Edd yelled, appalled. Tom let Matt's head go. Matt stood up, carefully, and stumbled out of the room.

Once he got to his door he locked it behind him.

And looked at all the mirrors.

So many mirrors.


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