Woop de doop

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Yo! Tards! This shit contains s m u t! And it's B A D!

Matt got home, from where he couldn't quite remember. He shut the door behind him and only then noticed all the lights were off. How strange. He walked over to where he knew the lights to be- and ran into someone. He apologized.


He squinted to see what is was but was only able to make out a tall figure standing there.

"Uhm, why are the lights off?"

The figure didn't respond. Matt was just about to question this until he felt arms wrap around him from behind. He squeaked and the person kissed the back of his neck. The figure in front of his beckoned into the darkness, and another shorter shadow appeared. The tall figure leaned down and kissed Matt. Matt felt himself heating up. The short shadow walked around the room, lighting candles. Matt could now make out that the tall figure who had just kissed him was Tord, and the short shadow was Tom.


He breathed. Tord said nothing in response. Tom walked closer, and Matt tried to move away, but the strong arms around him kept him in place.

"Are you okay with us pleasing you Baby?"

A voice whispered in his ear, sending shivers down Matt's spine. He recognized the voice to be Edd's.

"It doesn't matter Edd, I'm still doing it no matter what he says."

Tord growled. Edd scoffed. Tom just shook his head.

"W-well then Tord, I'd keep you from doing that!"

Edd hissed.

"Just let him answer."

Tom spoke softly, though you could hear the lust in his voice. Matt realized they were all looking at him.

"U-uhh- y-yes?"

Matt whispered out his answer and Tord grinned. Tom smirked.
Edd put his hands around the hem on Matt's shirt. He pulled it up over Matt's head and Tord pushed him softly onto the floor so he was on his back. Edd sat Matt up defiantly and sat behind him, kissing the back of his neck softly. Tord frowned and closed the space between them, kissing Matt harshly. Tom moved to be next to Matt, taking his hands and feeling Matt's chest, then He attacked Matt's neck. Matt let out a whimper and Tord pulled away. He smirked and let his hands drift to the waistband of Matt's pants. Matt but his lip and moaned when Tom had suddenly but the sweet spot on his neck. Tord began pulling down Matt's jeans, making sure to take an  excruciatingly long time. Edd let his hands roam to the front of Matt's chest. Tom left hickies where ever he went. Edd tweaked Matt's nipple and Matt squeaked. His pants were finally down and Tord palmed Matt through his boxers and made him whimper.
Edd couldn't help himself, and began to grind against Matt's back. Tom smirked at Edd.

"Someone's horny."

"Oh b-bugger off Tom..."

Tom chuckled and went back to attacking Matt's neck. Tord pulled Matt's pants down releasing him from the tight fabric. Tord smirked and spoke huskily.

"Precum? Already?"

Matt looked away and whimpered. Tord just smiled and leaned down to kiss his chest. He kissed down his stomach- all the way to Matt's hard self. He kissed the tip lightly and Matt whimpered again. Edd had began to whimper himself- he needed pleasure. Tom noticed this and spoke.

"Do you want something?"

"O-oh god-"

Tord then took notice and smirked. He looked at Tom as if saying,

'Want to?'

And Tom smiled. Tord turned Matt around suddenly and he squeaked. Edd was now face to face with Matt. They were almost touching. Edd got behind Edd and began pulling his pants down. Edd looked shocked and his mouth hung open. Tord smirked and from behind Matt took his own clothes off. Edd was now naked as well and Tom pushed Edd closer to Matt, so that their chests where touching. Tord had lubed up his fingers and put two of them inside Matt. Matt squeaked and then moaned softly. Tom removed his clothes and gestured for Tord to pass him the lube. Tord did so and Tom lubed himself up, not caring to prep Edd. He pushed in and Edd moaned, but it was interrupted when he cried out in pain at the same time. Tom 'shh'ed him and kissed Edd's back to calm him down. Tord had growled at Tom, and pulled his fingers out. He lubed up himself and shoved into Matt, who whimpered loudly and bit his lip so hard it drew blood. Edd leaned his head down on Matt's shoulder and moaned as Tom began thrusting. Tord was still inside Matt, wrapping his hand around to pump him. Matt moaned and gripped his hands into fists. Tom began thrusting faster, moving around trying to find Edd's prostate. Tord started thrusting at an already godlike pace and Matt moaned louder. Edd panted loudly and bit into Matt's shoulder. Tom found Edd's prostate and rammed into it so hard that Edd came at once, biting onto Matt's shoulder hard enough to draw large amounts of blood, Tom felt Edd constrict around him and came inside Edd. Tord, hearing Tom moan as he came, made him cum himself. Tord panted and continued pumping Matt until he came.

"We need to- do this again some time."

Edd breathed. Tom nodded, Matt hummed, and Tord smiled in agreement.

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