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       Tyler walks into his school. He has a massive headache. And he's really frustrated about it and all the eyes staring at him doesn't help. He doesn't even care anymore. He's used to being judged. He did this to himself though. So he has to deal with it.
        Tyler walks in with a smile, flipping people off here and there for just because.
          He hear's whispers. He shrugs it off. He continues to walk to his first period class, until someone bumps into him.
          "Watch it!" Tyler growles.
         "I-I'm sorry man, i-I'm new, I d-didn't-" Tyler looks him up and down.
        "No, it's alright babe, just watch out next." Tyler says tapping the red heads cheek lightly and smiled at him before walking away.
     The red head stopped him. "Wait! I need help with my schedule do you mind helping me?" Tyler looks at him.
        "Okay listen sweet cheeks, you might not wanna talk to me you're gonna ruin your chance of making friends here, so if I were you I'd stop talking to me now, I mean you're pretty hot, but I wouldn't wanna ruin your chance. Sorry boo." Tyler walks away without waiting for a response.
      The boy was really confused on what he was saying to him.  "Can I at least get your name?" The boy asks.
       "Tyler," Tyler says without looking at the boy, who is so confused, and went into his first period class.
      He wishes he could talk to the boy. He was really attractive and he looks like he has alot of money. But he doesn't wanna ruin any chance this boy has, he just couldn't.
     Tyler had a long day. But he doesn't want to go home. He'll probably go home with someone like everyday.
        He's to scared to go to his home. Everytime he goes home, his uncle won't stop being all touchy touchy. He's part of the reason he is the way he is. Dude should've kept his dick in his pants. Tyler wouldn't of even known what it was like.
       "Uncle Will, what is sex like?" 9 year old Tyler asked.
      His uncle smiled. "Do wanna know what it's like? I can show you?"
       Tyler stood there for a second. "Y-yes."
      His uncle smirked and motioned him to follow him up stairs.
     Tyler watched his uncle grab a bottle of whatever it was.
         "Okay your gonna have to take your clothes off son, so uncle Will can show you now."
       Tyler nodded. He felt uncomfortable.  He felt, weird.
His uncle grabbed his hand and put his on the bed.
       "Get on your hands and knees son."
    Tyler did as told. He got nervous. His uncle whispers in his ear. "This stays between you and uncle Will, okay son?"
       "Yes sir." Tyler got excited now because he was about to learn something new and it was only gonna be between him and his uncle. He thought that was the coolest idea.
       He felt cold at first then alot of pain he cries. "Shhhh... I'll be more gentle okay?"
     Tyler sniffles and noddes. His uncle continues then Tyler just felt a weird feeling. He couldn't describe it. He didn't know how he was feeling either.
- - -
   His uncle has been doing this to him till he turned 14 and Tyler figured out he was doing something wrong to him. He started to enjoy it as he got older, until he figured out it was wrong. He felt sick.
    His uncle still asks him if he still wants to fool around. He is a sick man. Tyler grew up to fast.
      Nobody knows about the uncle situation but him and his uncle, just as planned. He felt like it was important to tell someone, but really couldn't care less. That's the past. Now is now.
      But now look at him. His aunt and uncle know what he does and his aunt  always tells him how dissapointed she is.
     He still doesn't care. The one thing he's scared of though, is his uncle. Every time Tyler rejects him he gets super angry and hits him.
       Tyler walked outside and it was raining. Great just what he needs. He decided to go talk to some of the people that has fucked him.
          "Hey Jacky poo, do you got any money?" He says biting his lip with puppy dog eyes.
       Jack smirked. "You know I do you whore."
        Tyler fake giggles. He looks at his friend that was eyeballing him the whole time he was over there. "Do you wanna join sweety." Tyler winks.
       "You know it, I'll give you 50$, what will that give me?"
      Tyler tapped his chin. "A blow job."
         Jacks friend nodded. "You need a ride? We can take you to our place?"
     "I'd love that." Tyler fake smiles.
     He looks over to see a confused red headed boy.
    He just shakes it off.
          Tyler let's out a moan as Jack thrust harder, which sends vibrations down Alex's dick.
          Alex fucked Tyler's mouth. Tyler was now deep throating his dick. Tyler feels his hair get pulled. He moans louder.
            "You like it when we both Fuck you, Tyler?"
    Tyler nodded since he couldn't talk 'cause his mouth busy being fucked.
       "Your so tight Tyler, for being as big of a whore you are." Jack moaned.
       They all cumed and moaned at the same time.
       Tyler put his clothes back on.
       "Here's 250$, see you at school Tyler, now get the Fuck out of my house." Tyler gathered the money and did as told.
        Tyler walked to his usual spot he sleeps at when he really don't want to go home.
       It's a tree house in the forest. He found it after doing 'bussiness' with one of the guys back in 7th grade.
        He climbed up the tree, and laid on the ground. He covered up in his sweatshirt.
       He pulled out a small bottle of liquor. He took chugs feeling the burn down his throat that he always craves.
       After a few moments he was knocked out.
         Just like always.

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