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Tyler walks to the treehouse in the middle of the night after doing god knows who, he didn't want to get lecture about drinking and messing around with a stranger from his aunt.
He walks up to the latter and unsteadyly climbed it.
He walks over by the pillow and blanket he bought for the treehouse and grabs them and lays down.
He was just about to fall asleep until he feels muscular arms around his waist.
He was about to see who it was until he seen the arm tattoo and smelled joshes scent.
"I'm sorry babyboy." Josh whispers.
"For what," tyler whispers back not turning around to look at him.
"Being a dick. I know your trying to get better. I shouldn't of gotten all dick head about it."
"No, I shouldn't of lied, I'm sorry," tyler stayed silent for a while, then  he turn around.
Tyler looked at him in chocolate brown eyes, he grab his face, "I'm done," Tyler says smiling.
He looks at Tyler in surprise. "What," he says smiling.
Tyler giggled and josh kisses him on the lips.
" I love you Ty,"
" I love you too Joshie,"
He just kissed Tyler. His best friend just kissed him.
Tyler's eyelids got heavy, josh seemed to notice, "let's go to sleep I can see to tired, and I know you drank," he chuckled.
Tyler hit his arm and turned around so they were spooning.
They both fell asleep.
Tylers glad he got Joshie back. He's the reason of Tyler's decision of stopping it all. The drinking might be hard but Tyler will still try and stop. Everything else, tylers dropping. Tyler wants to get better.
For Josh.

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