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"Guys! Wake up! We only have three days left with you!" Melanie said pounding on the door.

I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Joshhh. Babbbyy." I sleepily shake him.

"Hold on!" I yell to Melanie.

"Baby, wake up." I sat up and walked out of the room.

Brendon and Melanie stared at me. I awkwardly stare back and walked over to the coffee pot.

"What?" I asked making my coffee.

"You look good in a skirt." Brendon said.

"Yeah, Josh seemed to like it last night also." Melanie snorted.

"Shut up Melanie." I laughed, blushing.

I walked over to the coffee table with them and drank my coffee, trying to wake up.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Melanie asked.

"I don't know, I'll ask Josh when he decides to wake up." I rolled my eyes.

"I am up." I heard his groggy voice mumble.

I stood up and walked over to him, hugging him from behind.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked sticking my fingers under his waist band.

"We could, wait till a little later and get drunk and watch movies?" He said making his coffee.

I nod, sticking my whole hand in the front of his sweats.

His grip tightened around the sugar.

I started rubbing my hand over the front of his crotch teasingly.

"Fuck, Tyler." Josh whispered dropping everything in his hands.

I smirked and let go of him and turned and sat next to Melanie and Brendon.

"He said we could wait till later, like almost night time, and get drunk and watch movies." I said.

"Okay." They agreed excitedly.

"What are we going to do until then though?" Brendon asked. 

I sat there silently thinking for a moment.

"We could walk around town and go to the park?" I suggested.

They nod and we all finished up our coffee and went off to get ready.

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