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"Ty, mel and Brendon are coming over soon remember?" Josh shook me a little. I groaned opening my eyes tiredly.
"Yeah, let me take a shower." I got up forgetting I was naked. Josh grabbed my exposed bum.
I squealed and swatted his hand away rushing into the shower.
I turned the water on the way I like it and got in.
I heard the door open.
"Ty, I need to tell you something about my friends."
"Okay." I waited for him to continue.
"Okay, so I know I shouldn't of told them, but I was just so into you and worried I just tild my closest friends. And Brendon didn't take it very well, so when I explained why, he wasn't really even listening, but Melanie was completely understanding. So, I'm sorry for Brendon if he makes any dumb remarks."
I sat there silent for a second. I didn't really want him to tell them, but it's whatever.
"It's fine, it won't bother me."
After I showered I put some skinny jeans on and a white plain shirt.
"When will they be over Joshie?" I asked pouring some coffee into two mugs.
"In a few hours." He grabbed his mug and started drinking it. I walked over to him and ran my fingures through his silver hair.
"I love this color on you." I said biting my lip.
"It looks like old people hair!"
I laughed and sat down on his lap drinking the rest of my coffee.
"No you look hot." I leaned my head down on his shoulder.
"Whatever you say."
I heard a knock on the door and rushed over to it before josh could.
When I opened it there was a girl with half of her hair pink and the other half black, smiling and had a gap in between her two front teeth, but it fit her welol. Then a taller guy with nice raven hair and a more larger forehead and really big pink lips, and standing with sass.
"Hello, you must be Joshua's friends." I said letting them in.
"You must be his prostitute boy toy." Brendon said laughing. That caught me off guard so I just laughed along, in complete shock of what he said.
"Shut the hell up Brendon."
"Hi mel, I missed you."
They both look up at his hair. "Holly shit! Your hair josh!"
He rolled his eyes. "Shut up I know." Melanie just laughed. "It looks good on you."
"Looks like old people hair." Brendon blurted, we all started laughing, except josh.
"It's okay baby, you look fine." I said kissing his cheek and walking over to the living room. I saw Brendon roll his eyes.
"What do you guys want to do? I have a whole lot of money left over for the mall or whatever."
"I bet you do." Brendon mumbled to himself, but I obviously heard him.
Melanie squealed in excitement. "Let's go there!"
I laughed and nodded.
I can hear Brendon and Josh whisper, I try not to pay much attention to it.
"Okay, we'll take mels car."
The boys agreed and walked out of the house.
"So Tyler, do you enjoy selling your body to  complete strangers?" Brendon asked. He's being a dick to me and I don't think I like it very much.
"Bren-" I cut josh off.
"You know what, yeah, I did. I loved being able to get all the pleasure I wanted and all the money I wanted. But then I met josh, and he helped me turned my life around. And it was mostly people from my school." I rolled my eyes.
"I'm sorry about him, he just cares about Josh alot and doesn't want him getting hurt." Melanie assured.
"Yeah, I understand." I said looking out the window.
"I'm sorry Ty. I tried telling you not to have them over." Josh said grabbing my shoulder. "Don't worry Josh, his dick head remarks don't bother me." I laughed.
Josh just shook his head while laughing.
"Okay, we are here!" Melanie sang. We all scatter out of her car and began walking inside.
"Okay me and mel are going to go shopping and you and dick face can go do whatever." I said walking away with Melanie.
"Don't be asking strangers to sleep with you for money!" Brendon yelled. I just flipped him off. Me and Melanie started to walk towards some store that had alot of feminine clothes in it.
"Let's go here! I want him new skirts!" I nod and walk in with her. She pulls me towards the changing area.
"Okay I will need your opinion. And you can look at some too if you want." I nod as she went towards the nearest set of skirts. I kind of did want to. So I got up off the couch thing and walked over to another set of skirts.
I started looking at this light pastel skirt. I fell in love with it. It looked really pretty.

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