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"We live in California. It's shitty there sometimes but I mean I wouldn't want to move, for one, I'm too lazy, and for two, it's where I grew up." Melanie said taking a shot.

"Where were you born Tyler?" She asked pouring me a shot.

"Here, In this shitty ass town. I'd love to move somewhere out of Ohio." I said taking my shot.

"Who was your first in bed Brendon?" I asked him pouring his shot.

"My boyfriend Ryan." He said smiling widely.

We played until none of us could see straight.

"We should all watch a movie." Joshua said pulling me to the couch.

"Yes!" We all yelled.

"Put in fault in our stars." Melanie suggested.

"Yesss." Brendon and I slurred.

"Fine. Okay." Joshua got up off the couch and put the movie in and sat back down.

I cuddled into his side and stared at him smiling.

"What?"  He said laughing.

"I love you. You're so beautiful. I just can't help myself." I said kissing him softly on his lips.

"Damn it Tyler. I fucking love you." He growled kissing me more.

"You guys are cute." Brendon said.

"I'm still single." Melanie said raising her glass and took a gulp.

We all laughed and continued watching the movie.
"Oh my god. The tears, they won't stop." I said blinking them away.

"I know oh my Jesus, this is such a sad movie. They loved each other so much." Brendon cried.

"Don't ever leave me Joshua, please." I pouted hiding my face into his side.

"Never." He whispered back to me.

"Ugh, we need sleep. Let's all sleep out here." Melanie said.

We all agreed and grabbed pillows and blankets.

"Man, it's going to be so lonely when you all have to go back home. Ima be all by myself." I yawned.

"We'll all have a get together again someday it'll be fine. Goodnight." Brendon said.


"Goodnight Joshie, I love you." I said cuddling into his chest.

"Goodnight. I love you too." He said wrapping his arms around me gently kissing the top of my head.

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