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"Do want to go to ihop? They got pancakes." Josh said wiggling his eyebrows at me and smiled.

"Sure you doof." I said smiling grabbing his face and kissing him.

"Okay. I love you." Josh said kissing me back.

"I love you too. Focus on driving." I said pointing ahead.

He smiled and looked up at the road and turned the radio up a little.
"They have good pancakes." I said standing up from the booth Josh and I were sat at.

"I know, I love it here. So, I met this guy at the skate park and he's really cool, his names Tate. And he wanted to know if we wanted to go to like a little bond fire with him and a few other people tonight and have a couple beers." Josh said as we got into the car.

"Yeah, I don't care." I said turning up the radio.

"Okay. Cool."
"Are you ready Ty?" He said standing from the swing.

"Yeah." I walked over to the car and sat in the passenger seat and rolled down the window.

"So, how many people do you think are going to be there?" I asked.

"Uh, just a few." He said turning around the corner.
"There is a lot of people here!" I said grabbing his hand but he didn't hold mine back.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that there was going to be this many. I'm going to go find Tate. Go have a few drinks and talk to some people." He said sliding his hand away from mine and walked away.

I looked at him in confused not knowing why he was acting all different.

I walked over to a table full of drinks and grabbed one and just stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"Tyler, this is Tate." Josh said walking over towards me.

"Hello." I said shaking the guys hand.

"Hey, so how did you and Josh become friends." The Tate guy said.

I looked at Josh and his eyes were wide looking at Tate.

"Friends?" I asked.

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