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"Ugh, I don't want to leave! I'm going to miss both of you. Especially you Tyler, we've grown so close! I feel like I've known you for years." Melanie said crying.

"Oh my god don't cry!" I said hugging her tightly.

"All this gay squishyness is gonna make me cry, fuck." Brendon said joining the hugging session.

"Okay, okay. We have to go. Bye babes." Melanie said waving, and so did Brendon.

"Bye!" Josh and I said.

"Jesus I'm going to miss them so much." I said hugging Josh's side.

"It's going to be okay baby. We'll see them again." Josh said lifting my head up with his finger.

I looked into his eyes as he wiped my tears and stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled away smiling.

"I'm so glad I met you." I whispered.

"I'm so glad I met you too." He said leaning in again.

I gave him a quick kiss and walked off.

"We have to clean my aunt comes home tonight." I said turning the radio on.

Josh groaned and grabbed the trash bin and began picking up all the trash.
We finished surprisingly quick and sat down on the couch.

"I should head home baby boy." Josh sighed.

"I don't want you to leave me." I pouted hugging him tightly.

"I have to baby. I don't want to, but my punishment is bad enough already. I wish I could stay and hold you and keep you safe forever, but I need to go home. I love you." He said kissing me softly.

"I love you too." I said giving him another kiss.

"Okay, I'm going to go now. Call me if you need anything." He said and left.

Now I'm all alone. Bored.

I decide to turn the tv on and watch chowder.
After an hour or two and heard the door slam open.

I jumped from the loud noise and looking towards the door and it got slammed shut.

I thought it was my aunt but, I was very wrong.

"Come here slut!" My uncle screamed.

"W-what are you doing here?" I said scooting away.

He kept walking closer and closer to me, making me fall off the couch.

He grabbed me by my shirt and threw me on the couch and flipped me to where I was face down.

I struggled to get out of his grip.

"Get away from me!" I yelled.

"Quiet!" He said pushing my face down in the couch really hard.

He laughed evilly and tried to hold me down viciously.
Soon, I became to weak to keep fighting out of his grip and he took advantage and did what he did.

He left me naked and afraid on my couch.

I was crying and shaking. I just wanted to die.

He walked out the door and I heard my aunt yell at him and run inside and scream.

"Tyler! Oh my god! Don't worry sweety I'm going to call the police!" She said crying and struggling to type on her phone.
I'm currently locked inside my room not wanting to be near anyone.

All I want is Josh. I want him to hold me close and tell me everything will be okay. I want him to whisper sweet nothings to me. I want him to run his fingers through my hair and softly stroke my back.

I need him.

I picked my phone up hesitantly and dialed his number and waited for him to answer.

"H-Hello?" He said quietly through the other line.

I was quiet for a moment before stuttering out words. "H-hi J-Josh. I-I really n-need you." I said feeling tears build up again.

"What's wrong Tyler?" He said concerned.

"I w-want you t-to h-hold me a-and tell me I-it's all o-okay." I stuttered through my sobs.

"Tyler, baby what happened? I'm on my way." He said shuffling around.

"M-my uncle c-came by again. A-and h-he- " I tried saying before Josh cut me off.

"That bastard. Baby stay sill I'm on my way." He said and hung up the phone.
I heard the front door open and close and the greeting of my aunt and stomps up the stairs.

My door opened up slowly and Josh's face was revealed.

"I'm so sorry I left. I could've helped you. I'm so sorry." Josh said taking off his shoes and climbing into the bed with me.

"It's not your f-fault." I whispered.

"Cuddle and love me. Please?" I said choking down the tears.

"Okay baby."

That's what we ended up doing all night, cuddle and love each other.

He whispered loving things to me and telling me it's all okay.

We both fell asleep like that. In each other's arms. Fast asleep.

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