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Tyler wakes up from the sun shining through the window area onto his face. He winces and throws his arm up.
"Fuck, I'm late for school again." Tyler mumbles rubbing his face.
He doesnt really want to go to school, he's not feeling so good.
He decides against going to school and just lays there pondering whether to go home or go to the store to buy snacks and come back.
"Second choice it is," Tyler says getting up.
He walks to the gas station. He grabs a redbull, some chips and a cookie.
He rings them up and shoves the chips and cookie in his back pack and opens the redbull.
He walks for a little bit to wake up. Then he gets to the tree house.
He climbs up and sees a boy.
"Hello, what are you doing here?" Tyler says.
"O-oh, uh, I'm s-sorry, I just r-ran where I could. I'll leave." The boy sniffles
Tyler frowns,"No,no, it's fine, what's wrong?"
"I had to run from them they were gonna hurt me again, I-I couldn't t-take it a-anymore." The boy rambled and started sobbing.
Tyler walks to him and hugs him.
"Who's they?"
"My p-parents," the boy hides his face in Tyler's jacket.
"Look you can stay up here and talk if you want, I didn't go to school either,I uh, wasn't feeling great."
"Okay, thank you."
Tyler pulled his backpack off his shoulder and pulled his cookie out.
"You want it?"
"Uh, sure, thanks." The boy say shoving it in his pocket.
Tyler nods, "So what's your name?"
"Joshua, but call me josh, yours?"
"Nice name Joshua, but call me josh, I'm Tyler."
The red head looked up.
"Oh, your that boy from yesterday that told me not to talk to you, why couldn't I talk to you?"
Tyler stayed silent for a second. "Um, people just don't exactly like me," Tyler looked out the window.
"How, your cute and nice?" Josh smiled.
Tyler smiled also, "because, I'm a bad person, and I do alot of bad things,"Tyler trails off. "And people just don't like that, and they think who ever I talk to is just like me and I didn't want to ruin your reputation." Tyler says looking down.
"What do you do that's so bad?"
"Just bad things." Tyler says quickly.
"Okay," josh said simply.
He could see it was probably a touchy subject, so he just left it as that.
"You wanna walk around and get to know each other?"
Tyler looked at him and smiled, "sure,"
"And that's why my mom and dad treat me the way they do," josh said looking down.
"That's dumb, just because your gay!?" Tyler threw his hands up.
"Yup, they say it's 'wrong' to like the same sex, I know it's dumb, but can't change the way they think. And they thought for the longest time they could change me, but obviously that didnt work." Josh laughed.
"My parents died in a car wreck when I was eight, and that when I just stopped caring about everything. And then I had to live with my aunt and uncle. My uncle molested me till I was 14, but he's the part of the reason I am the way I am. He could've simply said 'youll find out someday' or something. Not actually Fuck me when I was 9, like what the Fuck."Tyler yells.
"He's a sick man." Josh says.
"He is indeed."
       Josh shakes his head.
"Nobody should experience that at such a young age." Tyler nods slowly.
"You grow up to fast, and you don't get to have a regular childhood, and that sucks. I'll never get that back."
"I'm sorry Tyler, you didn't deserve that."
Tyler shakes his head. "Don't be, it's not your fault. You don't deserve to be treated the way you do, your amazing." Tyler turns to look at Josh in his eyes.
He grabs his face, "you're a beautiful human being that deserves way more."
Josh smiles, "thank you Tyler."
"Mhm, let's go get some taco bell, yeah? It's on me, I've got alot of money." Tyler giggles.
"Yes! I love taco bell. I haven't had that in a long time!" Josh jumps in excitement.
The boys laugh, and walk to the restaurant.

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