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"Tyler I don't know what to do anymore. You are in danger here. And you keep drinking in my house making a mess. And you don't have  a job. And you don't help with anything. You are a lazy shit." My aunt said rubbing her face roughly.

"I help you with everything! Don't even go there! You can't just kick me out like this! I have no where to go! I-I don't have anyone left." I said tears building up and burning my eyes.

"You have your boyfriend. I don't need you in my house or around me. You bring too much trouble into this house and I'm tired of it." She said crossing her arms.

She rolled her eyes and shrugged. "Go pack your bags goddamn it!" She yelled.

"Auntie, please, you're all I got left." I said crying, begging her to not kick me out.

"Go!" She yelled pointing up stairs.

I looked at her, feeling hurt and betrayed.

I ran upstairs and slammed the door shut and grabbed my back pack and some shirts and like two pants and boxers.

I grabbed my phone and charger and my yellow jacket and ran down stairs and looked at my aunt who was in the same place avoiding eye contact.

"Bye." Is all I said and slammed the front door shut behind me.

I don't even know where I can go. I can't go to Josh's because his parents are homophobic pieces of shits. And I literally know no one else to stay with.

I guess I could stay in the tree house. But I don't know what I'll do for money. I could always just, go back to what I used to. But again I don't want to cheat or disappoint Josh.

I walked down the street to the tree house and into the woods until I found the treehouse.

I climbed up the later and see the pillows and blankets I bought were still there.

I cleaned a few things up and laid the blankets and pillows out and hid in the corner and just sat there.

I don't have anyone anymore.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up Josh's number.


"Hey Joshie. Can you come by the treehouse and hang out with me I guess? You don't have to-"

"What are you doing alone Tyler?! I'm on my way. Don't move."

"Okay. Bye." I hung up and made sure to wipe all the tears off my face and studied my breath.
"Why are you out here anyway?" Josh asked siting next to me.

I started fidgeting with my sleeve jacket and looked down at my hands. "I, just wanted to come here for, a while. That's all." I said shrugging.

"Are you lying?" He asked pulling me into his side.

"No. I'm not lying." I said trying to stay as convincing as possible.

"So, What do you want to do?" He asked.

"I want to cuddle and stuff." I said crawling to the pillows and laid down and waited for Josh Ik come over too.

"Okay. Are sleeping here?" He asked bringing me to his chest.

"Yeah. I don't want to be home anyways." I lied hiding my face in his chest and closed my eyes.

"Okay. Goodnight babyboy." Josh said kissing the top of my head and pulled some blankets over us.

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