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          "You dyed it yellow?!" Tyler squeaked running to Josh.
          Josh laughs, "yeah, Is it bad?"
        Tyler shakes his head. "If you ask me, it's making it even more impossible for me not to suck your dick right here right now."Tyler whispered to Josh, licking his lips and biting his bottom lip.
       Joshes breath hitched. He bit his lip. "Mmm, Tyler, look what you did now." Josh said pulling his shirt over his front area.
       Tyler giggles. Then gasps "josh, control yourself you naughty boy. We've only been friends for a month." Tyler said running his hair through joshes hair.
         "Tyler, I'm this close, from pushing you up against this wall right now and fucking you senseless." Josh said, pushing his fingures close together leaving a little space in between.
       "But we gotta get to school, and your my friend."
      "Joshie, I'm quitting, school."
        Josh looks at Tyler confused. "Why?"
         "It's not for me, and, um, I don't need to go to school for what I'm, doing." Tyler said looking down.
      Tyler still hasn't told Josh about what he does. He has feelings for him. And that scares him. He doesn't want to hurt josh. He wants josh to have something better and something that's not ruined.
        "What do you do?"
       Tyler doesn't know what to say. "Stuff, nothing for you to worry about." Tyler decided to say.
         "Tyler, come here, please." Josh says pulling Tyler next to him.
         "What do you do?"
         "Josh I-I don't want t-to hurt you."
       Josh became worried. "You won't, I promise. You can tell me anything."
       Tyler sighs. "O-okay, w-well, I, u-uh, Isellmybodytorandompeople." Tyler sighs again.
       Josh goes silent for a while. "Y-you sell y-your body? You p-prostitute."
       Tyler hides his face and nods.
       "Um, well your still my friend and I'll still have the same feelings for you I always had. That's why your always go home with random people and come back with bruises?"
     Tyler nods again.
      Josh pulls Tyler into his lap. He grabs his face and kisses him.
        Tyler was caught off guard but kissed back.
          "Tyler can I tell you something?"
        "Okay, uh, well, I've been thinking alot, and I finally figured it out, I have feelings for you." Josh say looking down.
       Tyler sat there shocked. "Josh, I've had feeling for you since we first hung out. But I don't want you to want me."
        "I'm ruined josh, you don't want someone who's ruined, like me, you want someone who isn't ruined and good."
      "Tyler you're not ruined, you're just hurt. And you aren't good, you're the most amazing person I've ever met."
          Tyler had tears rolling down his face.
      "I love you Josh." Tyler said.
       "I love you too Tyler,"

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