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"What color should I get Ty?" I crouch down to look at all the colors.
"Erm," I tapped my chin.
"This one." I grabbed the color and showed josh.
"What why this-"
"Because you'll look beautiful in this color."
"But what if-"
"Josh, shut up, no what ifs."
He groaned, crossing his arms over his chest and dragged his feet.
I couldn't help but smile at his little tantrum.
I shake the bleach mix together.
"I'm gonna look so stupid."
"Joshie, no you ain't. Now sit down so I can put the bleach in." I pushed him into the chair and got ontop of his lap and got started with the bleach.
"I'm excited for you!"
"Why don't you dye your hair Ty?"
I didn't think about that.
Maybe I should. I don't know what color would look right though.
"What color would look right?"
I look at myself in the mirror to try and vision what color I'd want.
"Bleach it with the extra stuff we have. It'll look nice."
I shake my head.
"Nah. I don't want to dye my hair. It's not for me."
"Whatever you say Ty."
"Okay let's wash that out and put the color in."
I just got done blow drying it.
It actually looks nice.
"How does it look? Can I see yet?"
He starts to turn around but I stopped him.
"No! Let me take a pic."
I got my phone out and giggled because of how adorable he looks.
"What?! Does it look bad?"
I shake my head and took another pic of his worried face.
"Okay now you can look."
He turns fast and his eyes widened.
"It's super silver! Mel and Brendon are gonna make fun of me so hard!"
I gave a confused look.
"Who's Mel and Brendon?"
He seemed to stiffen.
"Just my friends. From my old school."
"Uh, okay." I just dropped it not wanting to get into it.
I know I shouldn't be all in his business, but I kind of feel, jealous?
I want to meet his friends.
"Have them come over we can all go to the tree house and I'll bring the liquor."
"Uh, I don't know."
"Why not?"
He looked nervous.
"Are you sure? You don't Know them an-"
"So, invite them on Friday. Stop being like this."
"Okay let's go out to eat."

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