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"mmmmm," Tyler moaned.
"So good," josh says.
"This is so good, I never had a pizza this good before."
"Shh.. enjoy the flavor,"
Josh laughed.
"You wanna head to the tree house for a bit afterwards."
"Yeah for a little bit, I, uh have to do something later." Tyler says looking away.
Josh was confused on how Tyler said that. He was starting to wonder if he should a be concerned.
"Oh, like what?"
Tyler was hoping he wouldn't ask that.
"S-something for my aunt," Tyler says quickly.
"Okay," josh says dropping the subject.
Josh was upset he knew exactly what he was gonna do, and Tyler lied about it.
"Well just forget about it, go do that thing you have to do, see you at school Tyler." Josh says getting up.
"Wait jos-" he was already out the door.
'Look what you did Tyler.' Tyler thought, 'look what you did'.
"I-I'm close davey,"  Tyler moaned.
     "Me too,"
   Tyler was moaning loudly. He hears something but doesn't know what, so he ignores it.
     Then, Tyler starts to hear a door nob turning. He ignores it, thinking its his imagination.
     Then be hears the door open. His attention shoots right to the door. This time he he didn't ignore it.
       The guy pulls out and runs to get his clothes, Tyler does the same.
       "What the Fuck Dave!"
     "Debs I-I can expla-" *SLAP*
       She slapped him across the face Tyler puts his close on and takes the money and runs out the door.
      He knew he shouldn't of did this but he did to get his mind off of what he did to Josh.
       'Shit that was awkward'
Tyler thought.

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