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Me and Josh were laughing and kissing the whole way up the stairs.

"Shhh, josh, they're sleeping." I laughed.

"They'll be fine. I just want to be inside you already." He moaned kissing my neck.

"Open the damn door then."

He opened the door and through me on the bed.

He grabbed the end of my shirt but I stopped him as soon as I remembered something.

"Hold on baby, I have to show you something I bought, I almost forgot." I smiled biting my lip.

I quickly walked to the other side of my dresser and grabbed the bag and walked to the bathroom.

I grabbed my green plaid skirt and my green long sleeve shirt out of the bag and began to quickly undress.

I put everything on and stuffed my shirt in and walked out of the bathroom.

I slowly walked into the bed room.

"What were you-oh my god." I looked at josh, he was biting his lip and staring at me sexually.

"You like it." I asked bouncing on my tipy toes.

"Definitely." I walked over to josh and laid him down on his back making sure his head didn't hit the head bored.

As soon as he was laid down I put a leg on either side of him, and leaned down and started kissing him passionately.

He moved his hands to my ass and squeezed.

I bit his lip seductively.

"Your so hot babyboy." Josh moaned.

I scootched down and started to unbutton his pants.

I pulled his pants down then kissed his covered cock.

Precum was seeping through his boxers so decided to pull them down and wrapped my hand around his cock and slowly jerk him off.

"Quit being a tease Ty." Josh groaned.

I just smiled and leaned down and licked his slit slowly a few times then kissed his tip before taking him all in, deep throating him.

He moaned loudly and I pulled off.

"Josh, you have to be somewhat quiet Jesus. You friends are down stairs." I laughed.

"Nah, Fuck it I can't stay quiet." He grabbed my hair and pushed my head down on his dick.

I hummed, tooken aback a bit but continued.

I went to touch myself but Josh stopped me and pulled me off and flipped us over.

Josh pulled my skirt down and moaned when he saw my lace panties.

"Fuck Tyler. Your so beautiful." Josh clashed our lips together while taking the panties off.

He went to reach for a condom but I grabbed his wrist.

"D-do you, really want to use one?" I asked.

He looked at me for a second and shook his head.

"Not really." He smiled at me.

"Me neither." I smiled letting go of his wrist.

He lined himself up and pushed in slowly.

I moaned tugging at his hair.

"I love you babyboy." Josh moaned leaning down and connecting or lips.

He thrusted faster making it harder for me not to moan loudly.

I squeezed my eyes and lips shut trying to contain myself.

"It's okay kitten, I want to hear your moans." He whispered through his moans.

I nod, as Josh hit my sweet spot.

"Oh josh." I moaned.

"Uh, Tyler, your so beautiful. Fuck." He thrusted harder, I thought my bed was going to fall apart.

We started to hear faint foot steps but ignored it.

"Hey, um, I'm sleeping and your like really loud and ahh," Brendon got caught off by Melanie yelling at him.

"Brendon! Leave them alone! Put some headphones in, you horny bastard!"

I couldn't help but laugh.

Josh thrust became sloppier.

"Almost... uuhh." He groaned.

I came after a few more thrust moaning loudly.

Josh grabbed a towel from the side of my bed and cleaned us up.

We put our clothes back on and laid back in bed.

"Why did she call him a horny bastard?" I asked confusedly.

Josh laughed rubbing his face. "You didn't hear it in his voice? I'm surprised you didn't, we know because the way he talks when he's horny. Which is actually very awkward." We both laughed, enjoying each others presence.

"I don't ever want you to leave me." I whispered.

I felt Josh sigh. "I'm never going to leave you babyboy. I wouldn't be able to. I love you so much, like, it irritates me that I can't show you or tell you how much I love you, when I see you, I can't help but smile. I can't imagine myself spending the rest of my days with anyone else, like people would tell me I don't know that since I'm only a teen, but I know, I know that I'll always love you and only you." Josh said kissing me softly.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes.
"I love you so Frikken much Joshua." I wrapped my arms around Josh's torso and tangled our legs together and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight babyboy."

"Goodnight baby."

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