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I was feeling kind of horny today.
But I can't go back to my old ways. I had promised josh that I'd stop.
That's when an idea popped in my head. I pulled my phone out if my pocket and texted josh to come over since my aunt was gone for a few months to visit my grandparents.
I hope he let's me do this. I've waited too long. I want to know how he feels.
I want to know how bi-
"Hey Ty." I squeaked and twisted towards josh.
"Josh! You scared me, Jesus Fuck!" I grabbed my heart dramatically.
"Awe, so what you want to do?" He said sitting on my bed.
I smirked at him. I started walking slowly towards him.
"I don't know. What do you want to do Joshie?"
I pushed him on his back and climbed on top of him.
He grabbed my hips and bit his lip as I started to take my shirt off slowly.
I leaned down a started leaving soft kisses on his neck and jaw.
After I kissed one spot I heard josh let out a small moan. I smirked and started sucking that spot making him moan louder.
I felt him buck his hips.
I groaned as our crotches slid against each other. He started moving my hips slowly.
I started grinding on his crotch a little faster. We both let out louder moans.
I pushed hard and faster, feeling him grow hard.
He must've gotten impatient with me and flipped us over and started grinding hard and fast and kissing down my neck.
"J-josh," I moaned.
He sucked my sweet spot and made his way down my body.
I tangled my fingures with his hair. He let out a low moan.
He left hickeys all the way down to my belly button.
When he got above my pants waist line, he looked up at me teasingly.
I groaned from need of more friction.
He started unbottuning my pants and pulled my pants down.
When my pants were off to the side he started to take his shirt off.
I bit my lip at the sight.
He bent down looking at me in the eyes and kissed my clothed cock. Pre-cum seeking through my boxers.
I bucked my hips trying to get friction.
He reached up to the waist band of my boxers and pulled them down painfully slow.
He pulled them all the way down off my legs and through then to the side.
I whimpered from the cold contact with my hard cock.
He grabbed a hold of me and started pumping slowly.
"F-faster Joshie."
I bucked my hips, now fucking his hand.
He then started to lean down and licked my slit before taking me in his mouth.
"F-Fuck, so good, "
I tugged his hair harder making him moan, which sent vibration down my cock.
He gagged a little from me moving my hips.
He grabbed part of my cock he couldn't fit in his mouth.
"I-I'm cl-close,"
He pulled of with a pop. "Not yet babyboy."
He grabbed a condom out of his pocket and started taking off the rest if hid close.
"Hurry! The lube is on that stand." I groaned.
He lathered himself up with lube after putting a condom on.
"You ready babyboy?"
"Fuck me already!"
And he did. He slammed as hard as he could in me.
"Faster, da-Joshie!" I arched my back and leaned my head back.
"Call me daddy." He moaned.
"Right there, daddy."
Josh moaned loudly.
"You're so tight, kitten." He slammed harder into me making me moan louder.
"Touch me daddy, please," my bed was hitting against the wall at this point.
Josh began jerking me fast.
"I'm close d-daddy,"
"G-go ahead."
I came all over joshes chest and he kept going.
I whimpered. "So good, you kitten."
"I-I'm sensitive daddy!" I began whimpering from sensitivity and pleasure.
"Hold on, almost there," he got harder and faster.
He started getting sloppier so I knew he was getting closer.
"But I'm sensitive! Daddy, I can't take it!" Tears were building up in the corners of my eyes as I came again.
"Hold on! Almost.... there," he came and did a few more thrust to ride off the high.
He collapsed on top of me. Both of us breathing heavily.
"I've waited so long to do this." We both started laughing.
He got up, pulling out, making me whimper.
"Me too Joshie," I wiped the sweat off of my forehead.
Josh crawled up behind me.
We started spooning not caring that we're still naked.
"I love you daddy." I giggled.
"I love you too kitten."
He kissed my neck.
We closed our eyes and fell asleep.

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