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         Tyler brings Ben up stairs to his room. He doesn't care if his aunt or uncle are home. Why should he.
         Tyler brought him into his room and took his clothes off.
        Ben pulled his pants off. He went straight in. Tyler moaned loudly.
          "H-harder," Tyler moaned.
        Ben got harder and harder. And faster and faster hitting Tyler's bundle of nerves right away.
       Tyler moaned again even louder. He pushed himself against Ben's dick. "Uhhhh, so good, right there, yeah." Tyler moaned.
        "Choke me daddy!" Tyler yells.
      Ben grabs Tyler's neck and squeezed.
         "You like it when daddy chokes you?"
      "Uh-huh." Tyler was practically screaming by now.
         "Harrrdderrrr!" Tyler yells.
        Tyler was pushed against his dresser that's now banging against the wall.
         He grabs himself and starts pumping matching the same pace as Ben. He almost collapsed from all of the pleasure.
         They both cum at the same time and moan out. They road out their high and cleaned up.
         "How much was that, uh, whatever the Fuck your name is?"
        "It's Tyler, and 200," Tyler scoffs.
         Ben turns to Tyler grabs Tyler by the neck tightly and pushed him against the wall. Tyler was scared. "Don't give me attitude you stupid whore. You don't disrespect me."
        Tyler only nodded quickly trying to get free so he could breath.
       Ben let's go and leaves throwing the money at Tyler.
         Tyler lays on the floor gasping for air. He here's a knock on the door and someone walks in. It was his aunt.
       He loves his aunt. But doesn't know how to show it. He never knew how to show love.
      "Are you okay baby? This is what you get from doing this shit. You get hurt."
       "I know auntie, I'm sorry." He choked out.
        "Well dinners done, come down and eat when your ready, your uncle isn't here, he left," she looked down.
      He left? Like to the store or what? "He left?"
       "Yes. He won't touch you ever again." She said with sad eyes.
       He told her? Tyler just broke down crying. Feeling more relieved then anything. He doesn't have to deal with that sick man no more and feel disgusted every time he's near him. He can actually come home. And want to.
      "It's okay to cry baby, I know it doesn't seem like I care sometimes but, I do, I always have, you are a good kid you know, just like your father. Just because you do what you do, doesn't mean your a bad person, it's really not your fault it's you dumb, disgusting uncles. I'm sorry I didn't do anything till now I really am. I love you Tyler."
       He smiled. He actually felt,loved, safe. He likes it.
     She let's go and walks towards the door. "Come down soon, okay?"
       "Okay," she smiles at him.
           He didn't realise how much he actually is loved till just a couple minutes ago. He never felt this way. He loves to know that he is loved.
          He's happy.

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