Twenty two.

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I've been talking with Melanie for a few days now and I've decided I'm going to love with her. I hope Josh will come with but, I doubt he will.

I don't have anywhere else to go. I can't stay with him. I can't buy my own place. She's my only option.

"Josh, I need to talk to you." I stopped my swing and stared at my feet.

"What is it?" He asked looking at me.

"I'm going to live with Melanie. You can come. I want you too. But I can't live in a tree house forever and it'll be better with her-" Josh shook his head.

"Tyler I can't go. I can't just run away. My parents will kill me. Literally. Please, don't. I'll buy more stuff for you there, I'll come over more, I'll-" He began to ramble.

"No, Josh. I'm not staying. You gave me more than I deserve. I have to go. I was hoping you'd go with me. But, I guess that's not gonna happen." I said and stood up.

"Ty, I have friends here now. My siblings to take care of. Oh can't just expect me to just up and leave." He said getting up.

"I didn't expect you too, I hoped you would, but I knew you weren't. It's fine Josh. It's for the best though. We can visit each other. We can video chat and just call. Talk everyday." I walked closer to him and grabbed his hand. 

"No. Tyler. I need you. With me." He had tears building up at the rim of his eyes.

"Josh we can make it work." I said grabbing his face.

"It's not going to work Ty." He said tears falling down his face.

"Baby, c'mon. Don't give up on me now. Every time you visit Mel and Bren you'll see me." I wiped his tears off his face.

"When are you leaving?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

I sighed and bit my lip.
"In a few hours. We've been talking for a few days."

"You're going to move on from me baby. I can't loose you. I love you." He said crying into my shoulder.

"Please don't say that. It's not going to happen." I said hugging him tightly.

"Don't lie to yourself. You know it's going to happen. Long distance relationships never work." He said pulling away from me.

"No I won't. Joshua stop it. You need to stop. You know I'll never do that. I love you." I pulled him back into a hug and pulled his face close to me and kissed him.

We stayed in each other's arms for a few minuets before pulling apart.

"Let's go out to eat before you leave." Josh said wiping my tears.
When we finished eating we walked around town and made small conversation about when and how often we would see each other.

When my phone buzzed I seen it was Melanie.

"She's in town. Let's head back to the park. I'll have her pick me up there." I said felling my heart shatter.

I could see Josh was hurt too.
"Tyler! I'm here!" I heard Melanie yell and honk.

I stood up from the bench me and Josh were sitting in.

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