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We all were sitting in the middle of my living room playing truth or dare.
"Tyler, truth or dare?" Brendon asked.
"Let's do a truth." I smiled.
"How many men have you slept with?" Brendon said smirking at me.
I felt really uncomfortable right now. "U-um, a-about, 12, it's been the s-same people." I look at my hands. Brendon laughed.
"Do you have any STD's?" Brendon laughed again.
"You know what? No! I don't okay? Now, why don't you just stop being such a dick! It's not all my fault that my parents died when I was young and I had to live with my pedophile uncle and got molested! I didn't know right from wrong when I started that bullshit! I stopped caring to even listen from right to wrong! I was lost! I didn't mean too, okay? I didn't." I got up and ran into my room. I slammed the door and crawled in bed and cried.
He's such a dick. He doesn't understand. I heard a knock on the door.
"Go Fuck yourself." I cried.
"It's me babyboy. Please, can I come in?" I stayed silent.
Then I heard the door open, thinking it was josh. I heard the door shut.
I didn't turn to make sure.
He sat on the end of the bed.
"I know I'm a dick. I do feel like shit for how I've been acting. And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have judged you before I heard your whole story. I really am sorry for giving you shit." I rolled my eyes knowing it was Brendon.
"Get out of my room dick face." I sniffled.
"Just let me explain something." I waited for him to continue.
"I was really, only acting like that, because I didn't want my best friend getting hurt again. He's been through some shit with his stupid ass parents. And I'm just that protective dumbass and I take it out of hand sometimes, and be stubborn. I only listen to the bad parts or the bad things someone does. And I'm sorry for everything." Brendon said getting up and opening the door.
"I forgive you."
"Thank you." Then he shut the door.

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