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Tyler's p.o.v
I wake up from the sun shining on my face.
I grunted and turned around to see Josh.
He's a beautiful person. How did I get so lucky to have a best friend like this.
He opened his eyes and caught me staring.
He smiled, "like what you see," he chuckled.
My face started to heat up and I laughed.
"Definitely," I say turning him on his back and I put my legs on either side of him.
I lean down to hug him and our croches touch.
I bit my lip and my breath hitched.
"U-uh you wanna g-go get breakfast," I stuttered, stumbled over him trying to get off of him.
My face was heating up so bad.
We started walking to no where.
It was already about twelve o'clock.
"I'm really sorry for just walking out and leaving you alone Ty," josh says.
"Oh my goodness, Joshie, you don't need to be sorry I forgave you as soon as you left, and it was my fault for being a whore," I said mumbling the last part in disappointment.
Josh stopped and grabbed my face. "You're not a whore Tyler. You are just a lost, hurt boy who doesn't know how to treat himself nor how to cope with what has happened in the past." Josh says and kissed me.
I get butterflies and it feels like fireworks going off around us and we're the only people in the world. It's amazing.
Josh pulls away and looks at me, "don't say that ever again. Okay?" He says softly.
I nod in response.
"Now let's continue walking to no where." He smiles.
I chuckle.
I love Joshua.

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