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The warrior waltzed wildly through the halls of Cair Paravel, passing by the collection of busy maids and servants preparing for the next day's winter ball. She was certain she could hear Susan shouting at a maid somewhere after they'd accidentally dropped a plate during the rush of preparations. There was a part of her that was gladly missing that spectacle, there was also a part of her that wanted to watch along. The last two people she had seen before venturing off were Lucy and Edmund playing pranks on their older sister, occasionally waiting as a vase was placed in a particular place then immediately moving it elsewhere once Susan had left the room. It was moments like that which made her realise how much fun she really did have with the Pevensies.

Golden stars rained down from the sparkling sky above her as she wondered through the magnificent gardens of Cair Paravel. Finding Edmund's favourite tree had proven to be a tiring sport because, even though she had been there countless times prior, it was hidden in the deepest part of the gardens under the guard of rose bushes and staggering sunflowers.

Over the last turn, which she believed was left, her sight landed on the fair-haired king rested quietly on the edge of the bark. What surprised Athena was that Peter was daydreaming, staring off into the horizon like he was thinking of the most beautiful things. What Athena didn't notice was that he was thinking of her.

"I believe you called," Athena said, a smile tempting onto her lips as she walked closer to the High King.

"Thought you would like to go for a walk?" Peter asked, unfazed by her presence and delighted at the sound of her voice. "For a moment I suspected you weren't going to come."

She appeared offended, but deep down she was a little flattered. "How little you think of me, Peter," she returned. He laughed warmly, watching as Athena stood there waiting for his next move until he bounced onto his feet from the seat of the tree and made his way over to a hedge.

     "I lied," Peter announced suddenly, turning to Athena - inches away from her face, and refraining himself from the sight of her lips. "I planned to go for a walk, but then I found this. . ." Sighing inwardly as he pulled away from the intimacy, his hand found grip upon the wall of ivy behind him and ripped the plant down to the floor. He stepped aside with a courteous request for Athena to take a look at the opening with a grin proudly plastered on his expression.

     He watched in delight as Athena's face lit up. "I've heard Ed talk about this; I never thought it was real." As Athena gazed in awe, there lay before her two horses — both of which appeared already equipped with the necessary tack needed for an evening stroll through the trees — calmly resting in the natural grown stable that Peter had discovered. She looked back at the High King mischievously. "Did you really find this all by yourself?" She laughed, opening the stable door and approaching the two horses — now aware and ready at her presence.

     "Partly," Peter admitted, surrendering his hands. "Ed was kind of the one who told me. I'm not as spontaneous as I'd like to be."

     "It's the thought that counts, Peter," Athena beamed, eventually climbing upon one of the horses and clinging onto the reigns. "And, to be frank, I'm not at all surprised. You've both been acting unusually peculiar these last few days. I knew something was up. Just, I wasn't expecting this."

     Peter pulled a face as he mounted the other horse, announcing with concern, "What do you mean? You don't have to be here if you don't want to. . ."

     "No! Not at all. But when it's only the two of us — people might start to talk."

     "Let them talk," Peter said, meeting me on horseback by the garden's exit. "I am their King and the public has always gossiped about who I talked to; who I've flirted with; who I've smiled at. Unfortunately, it's an occupational hazard."

The two carried on through the forests and trees marking their evening journey. The High King was stunned into silence for once, occasionally glancing to Athena at his side to satisfy his protection over her. She had already buried her head in the reins with a little blush creeping up onto the colour of her cheeks. She knew Peter was looking at her, but what she didn't know was why.

Snapping her head up and turning towards the Narnian royal, she halted her movement.

"Why did you invite me here?" She asked, gazing straight into Peter's eyes and searching for a much-wanted answer to her question.

     Peter took a breath.

     "I sometimes think I am blind when I look at you because you shine brighter than any star and love dearer than any soul," he stated quietly, and his hands were quite visibly shaking. "And if it isn't any trouble, I'd like to ask you to accompany me to the Winter's Ball tomorrow."

"Peter. . ."

"Of course, you don't have to; it was just a small suggestion — a tiny one, I mean. You really don't have to accept it if you don't want to come. I wouldn't be offended if you refused, I mean —"

     "Peter." The abruptness of Athena's voice shut down his ramble of a rant and silenced him. "Definitely, I will."

     Moments passed before Peter could process her words.

     "You will?" He asked, his voice pouring with the essence of surprise. He'd, of course, hadn't actually thought about what he was supposed to do next. But then he remembered what Ed had told him the night before, be yourself.

     "Yes," Athena said, "I couldn't ask for anything more."

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