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kingedthejust so i never usually 'get political' on my lamp-post profile buttt there's some stuff i feel all you need to know; about me, about my family, about narnia - just to clear things up because even i am mega confused

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kingedthejust so i never usually 'get political' on my lamp-post profile buttt there's some stuff i feel all you need to know; about me, about my family, about narnia - just to clear things up because even i am mega confused.
firstly, the beruna treaty is coming back but two things have changed. no. 1: peter is not marrying juno like last time and no. 2: it's not called the treaty of beruna for that exact reason. it's now called the treaty of anvard (for unknown reasons, ask my bro).
seCONDLY, we're no longer at war with archenland - which is kinda the point of what i previously said. stuff happened - stuff got a solution etc etc the details are boring.
thirdly, i'm going to be peter's best man so can all  the wedding presents come to me and i will ensure they are taken care of. . . jks jks! but if it's chocolate i will eat all of peter's you can safely bet.
to conclude, i hope this hasn't sounded too much like and essay because i am wayyyyy to 'down with the kids' to do that. also, on quick note, i am no longer a sInGlE mAn - sorry lads and ladies. our new queens are pictured above ^^ (#queensofmyheart, #thelasttimeieveruseahashtag )
tagged: ladyaashdown, therealjuliet

username: what do you mean you're no longer a single man??

username: idc for all the politics, i just care who ed has secretly married

username: all the above is me rn

ladyaashdown: tfw you have to have a 'big royal wedding' and your best friend gets to hire out the chapel for fifteen minutes and 'gets it over and done with'

highkingpeter: @ladyaashdown one of the disadvantages of marrying me

username: omg is that juliet

username: @username as in lucy's lady-in-waiting??

therealjuliet: your social media profile is the most hideous thing i have ever seen

ladyaashdown: @therealjuliet you've married him now, there's no turning back

kingedthejust: @therealjuliet @ladyaashdown my profile is perfect idk what you're talking about

therealjuliet: @kingedthejust 🙄

thegentlequeen: @kingedthejust if it's perfect then how come i have more followers than you?

kingedthejust: @thegentlequeen how dARE YOU

hrhjunolaelia: it is a well known fact that susan has the best profile

username: because susan is the best that's why

username: ^^^ agreed

queenlucy: any respect for your 'old' queens?

kingedthejust: @queenlucy you're my sister, you only get 10% of the possible respect

ladyaashdown: also, @kingedthejust, why is that hashtag plural. if you don't respect your sister then i don't want to be one of the queens of your heart.

kingedthejust: @ladyaashdown did i say that you were? whOOPS my hand must have slipped. juliet rules my heart entirely, i have no space for my best friend

username: tag urself in the conversation above

peridanlord: @username i don't want to start a rivalry

username: we are all lord peridan

introducing hailee steinfeld as juliet!
(who belongs to the amazingly talented mcrshank please go and read her stuff!!)

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