CHAPTER 12 | Give and Take

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(y/n)'s P.O.V:

I shakily placed my fist on my chest, as my crazy, wild heartbeat raced faster than I could imagine. It took every once of my courage for the five words to come out of my mouth.

"Have you kissed anyone before?"

"Huh?" Killua responded quickly, darting his eyebrows together. Uh...

"I said, have you kissed anyone before?" I repeated, as the thumping of my heart continued.

"Why the sudden inquiry?" The assassin countered my question with a question, as I brushed my black locks beside my neck.

"Just... Just answer it." I firmly replied. I glanced at my wrist watch, as it told me that it's already 7:55. Five more minutes. I need to keep him distracted for five more minutes.

"...Well, not yet." He simply answered, as I kinda felt relieved in his​ response; while his deep blue eyes averted at me. However, I can't look at him. My face was so red right now, so how can I? "Why do you ask?" He added.

"Uh, curiosity? Not only if you kissed someone, but I actually... want to know what a 'kiss' feels like," I confessed, stating my true feelings. I really am... Curious.

"Oh." Was his reply, as he glanced back to the gleaming sky. "Is that what really bothers you?"

Oh-oh. He caught me. Tsk. I guess I'm not good at pretending too. But, it is also the truth. It is just not the accurate reason why I'm feeling uneasy. "Y-Yeah. I've been thinking about it since... I was a child. I once passed a hardware store and saw people kissing. At first, I didn't know what they were doing. But as I grew older, I understood what that was. So...yeah." I thoroughly explained. That was kinda scary to admit. Especially, to Killua himself.

"Woah, really? Didn't see that coming​," Killua laughed moderately, giving me butterflies in my stomach.

"Uh," I sheepishly scratched the back of my head, and sorta regretted telling that question to him. "Sorry for asking such non-essential things,"

"...It's fine. But, why ask me? What made you think I already kissed someone?" The white-haired male inquired once again, smirking as our conversation continued. This is going smoother than I thought it would be. But why is he smirking?! H-He's getting the wrong idea...!

"Well... E-Eversince y-you told me t-that, uh, um..." I can't say it! Ugh. My nerves are getting a head of me.

"Told you what?" His stare at me was making it a lot harder.

"...That y-you're the o-only one who can k-kiss me."

"Oh, that..." Killua replied, slightly looking away in embarrassment. "Well, I can't say that I'm lying when I said that. I mean it, (y/n)." The assassin added with a stern tone, making my face a lot more warmer and hotter.

"W-Whatever, K-Killua." I looked away, and forced myself to remain calm. Okay, (y/n). Don't dwell in his words. I'm pretty sure he's just kidding, right?

"But honestly speaking..." Killua delicately bit his lower lip, and turned his gaze at me. "I'm... I'm curious as well."

I was taken aback at his statement. At what? Kissing? But if he does, and I do too, does that mean something or anything...?

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