CHAPTER 23 | A Demon's Memoir

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Killua's P.O.V.:

"Riesha?" I looked up, as if I was directing my face towards her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm finally doing my lifelong mission," She answered in a serious manner, with a faint smile on her lips. "and saving you too, of course."

Before I could say anything, she handed me a glass bottle, representing a potion. "Here, drink that. It'll heal your sight and minor internal injuries. Stay seated there, while I deal with Astra. Let yourself heal first, then get (y/n), okay?" Riesha stated and ordered me as she squeezed my hand with the potion in it.

She took off, and I followed her instructions. Sitting down, I opened the bottle and drank half of the healing potion. It tasted weird and sour, but I was in no position to complain. I need to recover fast so I could get to where (y/n) was.

Slowly, I could feel my sight returning, as light entered my vision little by little. The potion worked quickly, but as Riesha said, it would only heal minor wounds. My body was too beaten up and my nen was still drained. I couldn't move my legs at all.

Once I fully regained my sight, I looked up and saw Riesha exchanging blows with Astra, mid-air. She was using a spear as her weapon, and the demon queen used her powers.

"You think you can defeat me with that? You imbecile!" Astra roared as she took hold of Riesha's arsenal, stopping her movements. An evil grin appeared on Astra's lips as she grabbed one of Riesha's wrist, and blew it off with an explosion from her palm, the same attack that blinded me.

This sent Riesha's flying away and lost her grip on the spear, as the winged beast incinerated it on her other hand. "You can't defeat me! I am Astra, the queen and ruler among demons! A mere human can't take me down!" She let out a hysterical laugh, and flew towards Riesha's direction.

She grabbed the girl from her clothes, pulled her up in the sky—almost disappearing among the clouds—and then shooting her back down to earth.

The impact created a big round crater, as harsh wind gushed outwardly. I covered my vision with my arms and hands, protecting my face from the debris among the wind.

Even though my legs were completely numb and my ribs ached a lot, I stood up and dragged myself to where (y/n) could've landed earlier. She was lying unconscious on the ground, her head bleeding and her ankle twisted. I bit my lower lip in frustration and anger. Mixed feelings clenched my heart, as I continued moving towards her broken figure.

"(y/n)?! Can you hear me??" With my voice shaking in fear and terror, I sat beside her, and lifter her upper body unto my arms. "(y/n), talk to me," My hands trembled as I reach out to my pocket to get the healing potion and give it to her.

My heart nervously raced even faster at her silent response. I lowered my head and placed my ear on her chest, looking for a heart beat. There was, but it was too weak and slow. She's just unconscious.

Without her waking up, she couldn't drink the potion by herself. No second thoughts given, I poured the remaining healing substance in my mouth as I shifted her head and body upwards. I pressed both sides of her cheeks with my fingers to make her mouth open, and connected my lips unto hers, making her drink the potion directly from me.

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