CHAPTER 16 | Missing Souls

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Killua's P.O.V:

"(y/n)..." Her name was first thing that came into my mind. As soon as I felt like opening my eyes, I found myself alone at the bed. I somehow expected to wake up with her beside me, but I guess it was too much to ask.

I sluggishly sat up, and stretched my arms up; yawning vaguely in the process. After doing so, I blinked my eyes several times, as I let my gaze wandered around​ the room. Where the hell is that girl? Tch, damn it. Did I overslept​?

I gave a glance to the wall clock on the upper right corner of the area, as it read 8:11 AM. It's still early. Where did (y/n) go early this morning?

"Tch," I groaned frustrated, since I was looking forward for the another chance to see her sleeping next to me. After the trouble I went through just get her to agree for me to stay with her...

I stood up lazily, and changed my clothings before heading for the door. As I opened it, the morning sun rays greeted me softly, and the warm breeze which entered from the window swayed at me gently. I looked around​ the living room, but (y/n) wasn't there also. I went to the kitchen, but there was no sign of the black-haired woman.

I hesitated a little when I tried the bathroom, wishing not to see something I shouldn't. But, she wasn't there either. What the heck? Where is she?

It was not long before I heard the washing machine located near the bathroom purred, as I followed it's noise. I kinda suspected that she was doing her laundry, but still, I was wrong.

I then decided to look at my room, but it was empty also. Not a single living creature was in sight. Wait, where's Kayla?

"Kayla? (y/n)? Where the hell are you? I'm not in the mood to play games," I remarked, thinking maybe they were playing a trick at me. However, it was only silence that answered my question. What are those to up to? They must be together right now. But why?

Then, I heard a loud and continuous knock on the wooden, white door. Hurriedly, I ran to it, and hastily pulled the door open.

"Killua, is (y/n) still here?" Riesha asked abruptly, panting as well.

"No, I was searching for her also. Have you seen her?" I asked back, letting the female enter the room. She was still in her PJs, so I concluded that she just woke up, same as me. Although I'm not in my sleeping clothes anymore.

"No, I haven't." She replied, still catching her breath. She must have ran from their room to here. But why? I'm so confused right now, I don't know​ what's happening anymore.

"Do you know where she might be?" I closed the door as Riesha allowed herself to sit on a steel chair, and looked at me with a serious expression plastered on her face, while I stood in front of her.

"Yes. Yesterday evening, (y/n) told me that Kayla--"

Before she could even finish her statement, I felt a faint, yet strong and pure bloodlust not far from us. I guess she sensed it too, since she stopped mid-sentence as well.

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