CHAPTER 18 | His Girlfriend and Her Boyfriend

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[A/N:] Hello there! Just a side note before y'all go reading. I suggest listening to Kelsea's song "Yeah Boy" while reading the update. When I first heard that song, I immediately thought of Killua. It's very relatable, and it perfectly described (y/n)'s feelings for our precious assassin. Please do observe the lyrics, it's really cute. (≧ ▽ ≦) ♡

That's all. Hope you enjoy, and God bless!




(y/n)'s P.O.V:

"(y/n)... You're so amazing..." Uen's voice softly brushed on my ear, as I felt him touch my body.

"No... Stop! Please..." I groaned as his kisses travelled from my cheeks, down to my collarbones. No... Don't, please doing this...

"No!" I nervously yelled, stretching my eyes open as I quickly sat up. Then, I found myself on a bed, realizing that it was only a dream. But it felt so real... Wait, it wasn't, right?

My red orbs gazed around the area, and saw that this was Killua's room. Somebody made a move abruptly, as the white blanket covering me ruffled. I slightly furrowed my eyebrows in response, as I slowly lifted the cloth. I saw Killua sleeping next to me; and his hand were intertwined with mine.

"Killua..." I breathed out his name, as I laid back down on the comfy bed, and stared at the dreaming assassin. I vaguely smiled at his gentle, charming face, but then I suddenly remembered what happened yesterday evening. It was real. It's wasn't a dream, (y/n).

Tears started to fall out of my eyes, and bitterly blocked my view. I can't help but to still feel frightened and scared. What Uen did to me... Was unforgivable and horrible. I don't quite remember how did I ended up back at this hotel, but I was pretty sure it was Killua's doing. I can't recall how and what happened to Uen, but I'm definitely certain that the white-haired assassin beside me took care of him. He saved me, again...

"...(y/n)?" His soft voice snapped me from my chaotic thoughts, while I stared blankly at him. Those splendid blue eyes of his opened as he looked at me with complete tenderness, and saw me crying. I mildly smiled at him, as my grip on his frigid hand tightened deliberately. Thank you very much for coming, Killua. I... I didn't know what'll happen if you didn't showed up.

"Good morning, Killua." I faintly uttered as more tears came out. I can barely keep it together. I feel so at ease and warm when I'm with him, to the very point that I don't want him to leave my side. It's selfish, I know. But... I'm scared. I'm scared that what if, someday, he'll suddenly disappear? I can't afford that to happen. He's very precious to me.

"Are you still... Scared?" His hand touched my cheek, as he wiped of the tears that came out of my eyes with his thumb, gently he did.

"No, not anymore. Thanks to you," I remarked with a slight chuckle, and hesitantly beamed a tired grin, as my other hand held his fingers on my face within my grasp. He also gave off a weak smile, as he suddenly pulled me in his warm embrace.

"(y/n)... I'm so sorry."

"Huh? What for?" The silverette's statement made me raise an eyebrow, as I averted my gaze to him.

"For not being there for you, especially when you needed me the most. I shouldn't have left you alone. I--"

"No, you're wrong, Killua. What happened to me yesterday; it was entirely my fault. Trusting a total stranger... I should've known better." I bit my lower lip frustratedly, and squinted my eyes close. "And you... You were actually always there for me. You never left me, and you always had my back. To be honest, I wouldn't be alive and breathing if it wasn't for you. You rescued my life numerous times, Killua." I firmly stated as I once again opened my eyes, and he grinned at me slightly. The assassin brushed off some of my black locks that were blocking my view, and gently placed his forehead on mine.

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