CHAPTER 21 | Unforseen Possibility

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(y/n)'s P.O.V.:

The raw, bright sunlight touched my skin, and cold wind blew over my face. Slowly, I opened my tired eyes, and I gained back a clearer vision gradually, after a few seconds. I looked around and realized that I'm in my and Riesha's bedroom. Moving my gaze, I turned my body around, and felt that someone was hugging me. Underneath the blanket I have on right now, I saw male's arm is around my waist as I felt someone’s breath on my nape. It was Killua.

Then, everything that happened yesterday evening came back to me. My heart rapidly pounded so hard and loud, to the point where Killua could possibly hear it. I could feel my face warm up so bad, I felt like fainting. Especially when his last words came back to me before I lost consciousness.

"Let's get married, or when we're 20 or something. After that, we'll continue."

Did he just ask me to marry him that night?! Holy crap. I squint my eyes closed in embarrassment, still confused of these mixed emotions of excitement and nervousness.

"Good morning, (y/n)." A very familiar voice greeted me from behind, as he wrapped both of his arms around me. He snuggled softly on my back, and felt his chest upon my skin of my back. His voice and touch calmed me down somehow, and I smiled secretly.

"Good morning, Killua." I greeted back, as I turned around and faced the silverette with a smile. As I expected, his face is very flustered and red as well, same with mine. There was an awkward silence between us while hugging each other, and so I decided to break that deafening silence.

"Yesterday evening...was great. It was an amazing experience, but I also feel guilty that I kinda forced you to do it... So, I'm sorry too." I stated in a weak voice, almost like a whisper. This is too embarrassing...!

Killua chuckled, and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Don't be sorry, (y/n). It's alright. It's not that I entirely don't want it too..." A blush appeared on his cheeks, adorably confessing his feelings as well. He's so cute.

"About what you said last night..." I trailed off, kinda hesitant on bringing it up. "Were you serious when you said you wanted to marry me?" Almost magically, I was able to make those words out of my mouth without stammering or such. Just imagining myself and this boy on a wedding in the near future...My heart aches in this overwhelming emotions.

"Yes, I am." He simply replied with a tender smile on his lips, as his eyes stared down at me, almost drowning me in his gaze.

"Well, then...okay—I will marry you." I grinned sweetly, and Killua's reaction was priceless. He widened his eyes, and then smiling afterwards. He has this very precious look on his face, which melted my heart immediately. He lifted up his hand, and held his pinky finger up.

"Promise?" The assassin giggled a bit at his childish action, but it was too adorable to not smile and just be happy at the moment.

"Promise." I raised my pinky finger as well, and intertwined mine with his as we grinned at each other. A few seconds later, those grins disappeared as we shared another kiss. My heart started beating faster again, and my body getting warm despite the cool atmosphere. His hands cupped my face, bringing me deeper into the kiss. Our tongues fought, and he won for dominance. It was one hell of a kiss.

It was a blissful moment for me. Everything was perfect, the cool air and the silent morning greeting us to another day, and now that I'm with my most favorite person, whom I love with my whole being.

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