4. not now,

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Layla's POV:

I adjusted my shirt, it was this loose blue graphic t-shirt, with 'Colorado' across the front with mountains underneath. I got it from a thrift store a few months ago. I didn't think there was a point in dressing to fancy, as I have on a pair of black jeans with rips at the knees and a some black sneakers I found in the back of my closet.

Looking around the elevator, I let out a groan, trying to mentally prepare myself. I haven't been around a lot of people, ten the most from the other night.

I wonder if Kian will be at the apartment, but obviously that wouldn't happen, he's out with the blonde bombshell...

Reaching the sixth floor, I walk down the hallway, "I believe it's 623..." I say to myself, and with my surprise. I hear music and people coming closer to the apartment I predicted.

Staring at the door, my hand reaches up and I knock a few times. No answer. Realizing it's probably not the brightest idea to knock. I stop.

I send a quick text to Dom to open up, and what seems like seconds, the door opens. "Layla, you made it!" Dom says excitedly, before coming over and giving me a tight hug.

"Yeah I did," I say with a slightly awkward laugh, hugging him back. "How many drinks have you had so far?" I ask. I watch as Dom shrugs his shoulders, a cup in hand, "Maybe one or two, a few shots. Nothing crazy." "Way to crazy," I say with a laugh, before making my way inside the apartment.

There was a good amount of people, some I didn't recognize their faces, others I knew right away.

"Yeah yeah, sorry, hello?" The voice was deep and trying to seem quiet, yet it was all to familiar. I look over, to make direct eye contact with Kian. He gives me a small smile,  as I return a even smaller smile back.

Kian looked like a deer in headlights once he saw me. Maybe Meredith was hiding and waiting for the right time to pounce on me.

But I doubt it.

My eyes stay focused on Kian for a few more seconds.

"Layla! Holy shit!" My head turns over to see a smiling Jc, he looked so happy. "Jc! How have you been?" I ask, walking over, and giving him a hug. "Good and you? How's life? You look amazing." He says with a smile spreading ear to ear.

"I'm good, okay really. Finished school, so now I'm just on a search for a job or two. My savings account isn't going to last me much longer if I keep taking out without adding some in," I shrug.

"True true, well I'm sure you'll find something. How about I introduce you to some friends of mine, get you warmed up." Jc says quickly, taking my arm and pulling me into the party more.

I knew he probably didn't care of my life story, especially when he's zoned out with alcohol.

I look back over to the counter, seeing as it's now empty. Did Kian just pussy out on me?

Kian's POV:

My eyes watch as Layla makes her way into the apartment, she was so...so her. I'm not even sure how to explain it, she's just kinda knew her way around things and how to handle situations to the best of her ability.

"Kian?! Hello you there?" Meredith's voice loud and in my ear. "Yeah yeah, sorry, hello?" My mind was becoming clouded already.

Layla and alcohol don't seem to mix.

Maybe I should talk to her. Would she even want to talk to me?

I watch as Jc approaches her, exchanging hugs. Layla always gave hugs, no matter who, she used to say, 'You never know when the last hug will be, so make it last.'

"I swear to god I'm going to hang up, are you trying to be funny cause this isn't a joke." Meredith says taking me away from my thoughts. "Sorry, something distracted me." I say, climbing off the counter and making my way upstairs, taking two steps at a time.

"But what the hell is going on with you? Deleting photos of us? Unfollowing me on Instagram?" I ask once secure in my room.

Meredith sighs, "I don't want to deal with you anymore," "Why because I took a picture with my ex, Babe it was three years ago, I don't have feelings for her anymore." I say beginning to pace my room slowly.

"Immediately once you unfollowed me, and photos are deleted, fans are trying to contact me asking what's happening. I don't even know what's happening Meredith. So please tell me cause I'm frustrated."

I did care about Meredith, she was gorgeous, had a good sense of humor and didn't take everything seriously. Which I look for in a girl, but her short temper and always wanting to be on top, not so much.

"It's that, and you don't seem interested anymore. You always are out, never with me. I don't see you as much as I did in the beginning of our relationship. It sucks."

Meredith has become quiet now, soft enough that you could hear a pin drop on her line of the phone.

"I try to be with you, but I have work just like you do. I'm now getting recognized more and I just finished the show with Jc coming out soon, now I'm doing a movie. It's a lot Meredith, I can't just stop and say hold on I have a girlfriend. Because then I'll be fucked at the end. Honestly out of all people I thought you would understand. You're always out as well, hanging out with friends, I'm hanging out at work. That's two different things." I try my best to keep my cool, not wanting to scream as much anymore, I was drained.

" I-I think we should stop talking for a while, see how things go. If we want to come back together we will, if not. I guess we won't." She was calm as she spoke, I was still waiting for her to explode, but she hasn't..not yet.

"Why all of a sudden you want a break? Is it because your not getting what you want?" I ask, with a shake of my head, staring at my feet as I stopped pacing.

"Yeah bye Kian." The line then drops, I pull my phone away from my ear. It sucks...being told to be on break. Even if you aren't happy in a relationship. You still get that cold empty feeling inside, and it feels like there is something stuck in your throat.

Closing my eyes briefly to collect my feelings and allowing them to settle down, before making my way over to the bed.

My long lost lover, my bed. It seems to never let me down after a long day even when I'm not in a good mood and need some cheering up. Laying down, I nuzzle my face into the pillow letting out a long groan.

I hear my phone ding, turning my head to stare at it for a moment. I wasn't hoping for a text from Meredith, already wanting to get her shit from the house. I wasn't up for it.

Eventually I reach my hand out and grab the phone, pulling it to my face.


I stare at the screen for a bit, I haven't received a text from her in god knows how long, but she's downstairs, why would she text me?

I unlock my phone, my heart pounding again, "oh Jesus."

Authors Note: Thank you for reading, please vote and comment. It would seriously mean a lot if you like it. xo

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