38. Lake,

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Layla's POV

"Why was I never told about this?!" Kian asks with a huff. "I didn't think it would be a problem, besides the tent is bigger for you three." Franny says, connecting two rods together for a tent. Kian shakes his head, before returning back to helping Bobby nail a tent to a ground so it doesn't blow away. Kian is a bit off today, it seemed like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed and nothing was going right for him.

Tents were set up with what made perfect sense, from Jc and Chelsey with one tent, Brandon and I with one tent, Fran and Bri with one tent and then Corey, Bobby and Kian share a tent that is much bigger than the others.

The camp site itself is extremely nice, there was a huge fire pit that our tents surrounded. Along a dirt rode there was a lake with a swing that you could jump into, back where the parking lot is there is a small shop for little things people usually forget that is open 24/7. Besides all that we were away from the busy streets, loud chattering, crowded places. It was something relaxing that we all needed.

"You think this is fine?" I ask Brandon, making sure the tent is tightly in place as I stand up, looking at him as he is playing on his phone. "Brandon!" I shout, causing him to jump. "What! What?" He asks, putting his phone away.

"I asked is this fine?" I say pointing to the tent with a slight frown. "Yeah, it's great." He says before walking away. "What the fuck.." I mumble with a confused face. Shaking my head, I pick up my bag and place it inside the tent before closing it so no bugs get in.

"Lay help me with the chairs!" Corey calls out, and I look over before smiling making my way over. "Stuck on chair duty?" I ask, picking up a camping chair from the floor, and pulling it open. "Yeah since two buttheads decided to work on our tent." He says trying to figure out how to open one chair. I laugh slightly, placing the one chair I opened down and helping Corey with the one he can't open.

"Since when have you been so good with all this camping stuff? You practically helped everyone with their tents and you managed to get yours done first and you can open these bear traps called chairs.." He mumbles watching as I easily opened the chair he couldn't. I let out a laugh, shaking my head, "My dad loved camping and the outdoors so as much as he could he would take us, but as we got older, everyone just got busy."

Corey nods his head slowly, managing to get one open perfectly without struggling. "Did you fucking see that?!" He asks, and I nod quickly, "See you can do it!" I laugh, "So does that mean you can do the rest?" I ask, "No!" He responds quickly and I smirk.

It doesn't take us all much longer till we're all settled in and decide to go out to the lake. It was a warm day out, so it'll cool us off plus release some of our energy.

Jc and Chelsey decide to go off to do a little photo shoot. Those two are absolutely perfect for each other, they are two peas in a pod, peanut butter to the jelly, mashed potatoes and gravy. They are what your definition of a perfect couple is, you know how much they care about each other just by the way they look at each other.

The rest of the gang was swinging off the cliff into the lake, as I sat on the dock, waiting for Brandon. He said he had an important phone call for work and it shouldn't be long. It's been almost half an hour.

I sigh, my legs crossed as I slightly lean over myself picking at my nails as I watch everyone else laugh and have fun. I shouldn't be a sore thumb, but Brandon wasn't making it easy.

"Lay are you coming in anytime soon?" Bri calls out to me, before squealing as Bobby splashes her with water. I smile and shrug, "Brandon said to wait for him, but I don't know where he went." I say looking behind me before back in front of me.

"Ah fuck him! By the time he comes we'll all
be out, which means the fun will be gone." Franny says, I look at Franny as she frowns dramatically holding his hands up, pleading.

I sigh, shaking my head, "I'm fine seriously, i'm sure he'll be back before you kno-"

I'm cut short when I feel two wet hands, grip me under my arms and lift me up, walking to the edge of the dock and tossing me off.

"She can't swim!"  I hear Kian's voice yell loudly.

The water immediately surrounds me, and my body goes straight to panic mode as my head bobs up for air before going back down. Trying to stay afloat, "I-I can't swim!" I choke out going back under the water again.

I feel myself getting lifted up, and I gasp for air.   Kian hands me to Corey, who grabs me and puts me on the dock to sit. "I'm so sorry Layla, I'm so sorry. I didn't know, are you ok?!" Corey asks frantically, as Kian quickly climbs up onto the dock, and pushes Corey away.

Kian squats down besides me, pushing my hair away from my face.  Before he grabs my towel and wraps it around my shoulders, I grip onto the towel to make sure it stays around me. Staring at the water in front of me, trying to comprehend what had happened it felt like minutes it happened, but I was sure it was only for a few seconds.

I was scared and drained out already.

"What happened?" I hear Brandon running over, each footstep he took was a loud bang on the dock.

I feel Kian's eyes burning into my skin, before he looks away and stands up, "Layla got-"

"I fell in." I say, standing up slowly and turning to look at Brandon, "Im fine, I think I'm just going to lay down for a little."

Brandon looks at me, "You sure babe?" "Yeah," I say ever so faintly, before he nods, looking at Kian with a small smile and wrapping his arm around me, leading me off the dock.

"Why didn't you tell us she can't swim?" I hear Corey whisper, but I didn't hear a response from the one person I know Corey was talking too.

Brandon lead me to our tent, before he was getting another phone call and had to disappear. I change into something warmer, and lay down on the sleeping bag, staring at the empty sleeping bag next to me. The sound of the breeze hitting against the trees, causes me to relax and eventually fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of laughing and music playing. Stretching my body out, I lay flat on my back and blink a few times adjusting to the lighting. It was much darker than before, I pull my sneakers on and unzip the tent, climbing out.

"Sleepyhead is awake!" Bobby says happily holding his beer up. I smile, standing up fully, everyone was sitting around, Brandon makes his way over to me, kissing the top of my head. "Slept ok?" He asks, looking at me. I nod slightly, "There's food on the table if your hungry, it should still be warm. I didn't want to wake you."

I smile, leaning up and pecking his lips, "Thank you." I say, before making my way over to the picnic table, and sitting down. I pick up the foil covering the food, seeing burgers and hot dogs. I grab a burger before placing it on a plate, picking up the ketchup as I shake it.

"How are you feeling?" Kian asks, coming from behind me, and making his way to sit across from me. I look at him, and nod, "I'm good actually. I wanted to thank you, I should've before, but you know."

Maybe I should bring up what happened at Bobby's apartment.

He smirks, chuckling slightly, "Yeah it's no big deal. I just wanted to make sure you are ok, I made sure to beat up Corey when you left." My eyes go wide, turning to look over at Corey, "You didn't?!" I say with a frown looking back at Kian.

I might as well bring up what happened now since we're alone.

"I'm joking!" He says with a slight laugh, but his smile soon fades, looking past me and my eyebrows knit together as all his happiness looked like it was sucked out of him, it looked like no part of him was ever laughing in the first place. That there was no joy.

Brandon sits next to me with a hum, "So what are we talking about?" Kissing my cheek, but my eyes stay on Kian as he looks away, hurt was plastered all over his face. But, with one big breath, he cleared his throat, locking eyes with me. "The weather." We both say at the same time.

Maybe I'll bring it up another time...


Is my baby kian jealous?? 😏

thank you for reading. xx

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