14. Layla,

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Kian's POV

My body lays limp on the bed, my arm dangling off as I stare into space. My fingers graze the cold hardwood floor that my feet haven't touched since yesterday afternoon when I had to pee.

The house was quiet, it has been since a few days ago when Layla left.

Taking a deep breath in, turning my body to face the other way, pulling the covers closer to my chin. Birds were chirping away, telling me it's morning, possibly early afternoon. I wasn't sure.

I haven't left my room. I haven't drank anything, didn't even place a piece of food in my mouth.

Everyone tried to get me out of my room. Bobby. Corey. Jc. Franny. But, I didn't budge.

The person I wanted to hear from, doesn't even want to be within a two feet radius of me. They won't answer my calls, my messages, dm's, desperate posts on social media. Nothing works.

What's the point of trying, right?

I'm gonna get up eventually, I'm going to have to get back up and move on with my life.

Move on, push away every single feeling I had basically pouring out of me, and stuff it back into this tiny little bottle of feelings.

I stay laying there for a few more moments before climbing out of bed, making my way to the closet. Pulling on a sweatshirt along with sweatpants, and walking back out into the bedroom. Setting up the camera, adjusting the tripod to have it angled at the end of the bed.

Opening my curtains slightly to bring in some light, causing me to squint immediately regretting the decision, but leave it anyhow. Going to the bathroom and looking at myself in the mirror.

Pale face, bags under the eyes, red rims just beneath my eyes, my short hair in every direction possible.

I looked tired.


I looked dead.

Turing the faucet on, I let it run for a few moments listening to the water rush down into the drain, before cupping the cold water into my hands and washing my face. Turning it off, I pat my face with a towel, looking at myself once again in the mirror.

I still looked dead.

Sighing to myself, I throw the towel aside and make my way towards my camera, turning it on before having a seat down at the edge of the bed.

Rubbing my eyes, than my thighs slowly, taking a deep breath in. Before looking at the camera.

"I'm sorry." I begin before letting out a nervous laugh, taking a deep breath in. "Fuck." I mumble, rubbing my hands together out of nervous habit. Looking down at my lap, licking my dry cracked lips.

Think of something Kian, you had so many thoughts these past few days. You can't be blank now. My mind was blank, but somehow my voice escaped past my lips without thought.

"She's perfect. She's this light that can turn any dark place into the brightest place you can imagine. She has this gentle smile, her eyes slightly squint when it's a genuine smile, the smile you always hope to catch a glimpse of every time it happens, But those eyes have this dark blue rim around it before it gets lighter than brown than her pupil. They would have to be the most unique eyes I have ever laid my eyes on. Her skin is always soft, yet don't try to touch her at random times, she's extremely ticklish, so just a gentle poke she'll squirm. Her hands are so tiny, they will fit just in the palm of your hands, it's the cutest thing you'll ever see, she'll get annoyed if you make fun of them, but as long as you say your sorry and peck kisses all around her face all is forgiven. She's a morning person, so if you're not, you better change that. During Spring and Summer she likes coffee, with a little milk and basically half a teaspoon of sugar. For Fall and Winter she likes tea, with a lot of milk and two teaspoons of sugar. Don't fuck it up or she'll know, even the tiniest bit more or less. She likes to go out when it's cooler out, if it's above 80 degrees mentally prepare yourself for her complaining how hot it is until she's in air conditioner. But, soon you'll realize how dramatic she is being and it will make you laugh. She is this silly little duckling, she assumes she is the funniest person to set foot on earth, so even if her joke sucks or you heard it a hundred times, laugh. It'll make her feel good and that's all that matters. She isn't indecisive, she'll tell you what she wants, trying to figure out what you want to eat for dinner? She'll have menu waiting for you. Trying to figure out what to get for her birthday, she'll send you links, even multiple links to different places to find exactly what she wants."

I smile through my words, looking at the camera as I take a deep breath in, allowing my smile to fade away.

"She's insecure. So be careful with your words, kiss every part of her body, tell her why you adore her, tell her she is everything you could've wished for. Tell her this always, never miss a day. Listen to her as well, don't have her words go in one ear and out the other, she is speaking the truth and nothing but the truth."

My mouth shuts, looking back down at my lap to find words to say, "She's fragile, she is this thin piece of glass, don't play with her emotions, don't fuck around with her, don't put her as a side chick. Because she is the main women that your parents want for you, that you would want for you. I fucked up twice already, I shouldn't have fucked up the first time around. So don't fuck up at all, if you do I'll fuck you up. If I can't have her in my arms to protect her, but you can. Make sure she is safe and well taken care of, she isn't a toy. You're suppose to be there to support her and she'll be right there supporting you. So to her future lover, boyfriend, husband please take care of her. And also make sure you have extra blankets on the bed, she tends to take as much as she can or even just hold her a little closure to you to keep her warm. And as you hold her, look at her, see as her natural curls lay beautifully against her face, her lips slightly apart as you can hear a quiet snore, she holds onto you so tight not wanting you to leave her at night. She's just too perfect."

I become quiet, sitting there for a few moments before getting up and turning the camera off. Taking the camera and plugging it into my computer. And doing something I've never done, uploading it without a single bit of editing. Knowing every word I say has to be out there for all to see. I let my fingers move around the keyboard for a few moments thinking of what to title the video, before figuring to use what the video is focused on.


I watch as the video loads before clicking upload, and walking away.


Thank you so much for reading xo

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