46. hungover,

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Kian's POV

"Baby!" I call out with a groan, laying down on the cold bathroom floor. My body feels weak and my head feels like it's about to burst into a million pieces. I pull my hood on my head, closing my eyes as I try to relax.

"Kian..." Layla says with a sigh, I hear the bathroom door open more. "Jesus, I told you not to drink so much last night." She says, making her way to the toilet, flushing it, before crouching down to reach my level.

"Do you feel like you have to throw up more?" I feel her hand rub my back slowly. Shrugging my shoulders slightly, I take a deep breath, I just wanted to knock out and wake up better.

I decided last night on New Year's eve, that I would drink till basically Layla told me to stop, even though it didn't really work and I proceeded on. I regretted it entirely, but at the same time I enjoyed myself.

"How about we take you to bed, I'll get you some medicine, you need water because you're definitely dehydrated." Layla says softly, I groan at the thought of getting up. "Kian, come on, you can't lay on the bathroom floor for the rest of the day, you're going to spend the new year here?"

I sigh, Layla stands, going to the sink. I slowly but surely pull myself up, facing Layla as she holds my toothbrush out to me. "Get to brushing, I'm going to see if Bobby has something for you because your medicine cabinet is empty." She says, I can tell she's studying me closely as I grab the toothbrush, and wet it under the faucet, before putting toothpaste on.

"Just go to bed after, and i'll be right back." She says kissing my shoulder, then disappearing out of the bathroom.

Wetting my toothbrush one more time, I pop it into my mouth and start brushing. My free hand holding myself up on the counter.

My eyes are glued to the mirror as I stare at myself, I looked pale, my eyes looked sunken, I looked dead.

I continue to brush my teeth till I was content, washing my face, and spraying some anti-bacterial spray Layla bought not too long ago.

Shuffling my way towards the bed, I lay down slowly, nuzzling my head into the pillow, taking a deep breath in.

I haven't had a hangover this bad in a long ass time, and because of it being so long ago, I didn't remember how bad it was. So I fucked myself over.

Feeling myself dozing off, I hear the front door open and close. I turn my body over to lay on my back, smiling at the sight of Layla walking in with a water bottle in hand reading the instructions on a medication bottle.

"Bobby only had aspirin, but that'll work perfectly fine." She says, opening the bottle and shaking the amount of pills needed on the lid. I pull myself up to lean against the headboard. Reaching over, I pull the water bottle out from under her arm and open it taking a few small sips.

"How's Bobby doing?" I ask, taking the pills off the lid, and placing them in my mouth. "He's fine, obviously didn't drink as much as you and thinks you're fucking crazy for drinking as much as you did."

I nod my head slightly in agreement, drinking the water as I swallowed the pills. Closing the water bottle I place it on the floor, looking at Layla with a small pout. "You did this to yourself, don't give me that look." She says, leaning forward and kissing my lips gently. "You need chapstick sir." She laughs, making her way to her purse that's on a chair.

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