43. picture perfect,

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Kian's POV:

"This fucking prick, I would've shredded him to pieces." I say angrily, tugging my arms free from Jc. "I swear to God he does anything stupid, I will find him and personally do whatever I have to keep him from continuing."

"Kian..." Layla says calmly.

"He doesn't deserve to have anyone in his life, he's just this sick fuck that wants it his way or the highway. And it's fucking bullshit. I should ruin him, I should take all the dirt and ruin any type of future he plans on having. I will-"

"Kian!" Layla yells this time and I realize I'm pacing, as I stop and look at her. "Stop please." Her voice became quiet, as I look at both Dom and Jc, they were silent where they stood. My face becomes softer and I let out a sigh of defeat my shoulders slumping down.

"So the weather outside today?" Jc says slowly and we all look at him.

Eventually Jc and Dom decide that they should get going, since it felt so tense and somehow that big apartment felt so small.

Layla laid on the couch besides me staring blankly at the television, my mind kept going to different places and it was getting my emotions all riled up again. I think about doing something, get me distracted, get us both distracted.

I stand up and go over to a bag that has all my painting supplies, dumping it out on the middle of the floor before looking around the room to find blank canvases. Lately I've gotten this urge to paint to express myself through a paint brush and I wouldn't say I'm terrible, but I'm also no Vincent Van Gogh.

Layla's head pops up as she watches me, "What are you doing?"

"We're gonna paint." I say plain and simple, thinking about where I hide my blank canvases.

"Paint? I can't paint to save my life." She says resting her chin on the arm rest of the couch.

I walk over to her and look down with a sigh, "Well today you will. But, first I need to find the canvases, I swore I put it somewhere..." I say placing my finger on my lip as I try to remember.

Layla stands up slowly, as I watch her walk towards the bedroom reaching her arm in and pulling out blank canvases, "These?"

"See this is why I need you around."

Layla cracks her first smile and carries the canvases over placing them on the floor before plopping down. "Let's go, show me how you do this thing you call painting." Layla says.

I point a finger at her with a smirk, "Watch it."

"How about this, I paint something for you and you paint something for me." She says grabbing a canvas and begins looking at all the paints I have collected. "Seems like fun, anything in particular or just anything our hearts desire." I say sitting down across from her.

"Whatever your heart desires."

And with that I began to paint, I wasn't exactly sure what to paint , nothing exactly clicked especially when I'm painting for someone else not for my own entertainment. I pick up the paint brush and begin to paint allowing myself to just flow and whatever the final product is, that's what it'll be.

Some time while painting Layla turned on some music and a ring light was brought over.

My eyes pull away from my painting as I hear Layla hum quietly to herself, a single curl laid on her forehead as her eyes stayed focused on the canvas. Her lips are pursed in concentration as her hand glides along the canvas with the paint brush. Layla looked so content and comfortable, she seemed happy from my point of view. All I want to do is wrap my long ass arms around her and squeeze her, never let her go. Kiss every single inch of her, because she is worth everything, she means more than I can ever express.

I want to be officially with her, but it seems we both have to hide from our own feelings. We both know we'll get together and something will happen to ruin it, but maybe that's what we have to go through together, fight for what we both want.

That's the thing though, do we both want it?

"What are you staring at weirdo?" Layla asks with a slight laugh, I focus fully on her as our eyes lock and I let out a laugh, "Got distracted." I smile looking back down at my painting.

"You done yet?"



"Not quite Ki, give me a second."

I sigh, I had finished mine and I just kept fixing it up or adding detail, but the longer I keep at it my painting might turn into something else.

I pick up my paint brush that lays in a blob of light pink paint pretending to look around before my brush flicks towards Layla, a loud gasp makes my head turn to her. I let out a laugh quickly covering my mouth, "I'm sorry."

The paint lays in between her eyes across her nose to her cheek, Layla's eyes go wide, "Kian!"

"What I didn't mean too!" I say, but couldn't help but laugh still. She groans, looking at me. "You are a pain in my ass, but you're too cute to get mad at." Layla says with a smile. I smile proudly, "Oh really?" "Mhm." she hums before crawling her way to me a small smile still across her lips. I lean back on my hands as she crawls over, "You're more than cute actually." Layla says leaning up to get closer to my face.

"And what's more than cute?" I ask my eyes focused on her, she smiles leaning up her lips just grazing mine. "Getting even." Layla says, I feel a paint brush run across my lips and my eyes widen. I quickly lay her on the floor and hold her arms to hold her down. Layla laughs hysterically looking at me, "You-look-so-so-funny!" She says in between laughs and I groan, glancing back at a paint brush.

I look at Layla and quickly grab the brush smearing the paint across her lips, "There so you'll stop laughing." I say and she lets out a quiet giggle, "This isn't going to keep me quiet."

"Maybe this will." I say without even thinking leaning down and pressing my lips to hers.

I could feel everything around me freeze, everything is frozen and the only thing moving are our lips and my fucking racing heartbeat. I pull away slowly, we both are looking into each others eyes searching for something.

Layla lays her head on the floor, looking at my face with a small laugh, "I'm guessing you painted my lips blue?" She asks, "Wh- ohhh, I'm guessing you painted my lips yellow." I say looking at her lips and she nods.

"Well green doesn't look bad on you."


Ah! Don't kill me please you all should know that I suck at updating, I'm trying..

BUT 24K READS GUYS!! i feel like jumping up and down and giving all of you a hug even if you read just a sentence of my story it still means a lot. even those who have gotten this far into the story or waits for me to update..I LOVE YOU!

Thank you for reading. xx

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