29. food container,

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Jc's POV

"Corey!" Franny yells with a laugh, slapping his hand away as he poked her side.

I glance back at them and shake my head with a chuckle.

I quickly glance over at Bobby who has his camera out the car window recording the road.

I felt like I was in the car with my siblings, the music loud and beating throughout my jeep, as I move my focus back on the road.

I loved my roommates. I'd do anything for them. Fuck I'd probably die for them...

If it came down to that point.

My fingers tap along to the beat of a song Bobby chose for the time being, it was catchy.

Clicking the remote button to open the gate to our house, I turn into the driveway, "Corey! I'm going to kill you!" Franny squeals running out of the car, to get away from Corey once the car is parked.

"oh okay cool." Corey says pointing to Franny, as she shakes her head at him. The rest of us get out of the car and head into the house, "You guys are ridiculous." I say with a smirk, "shut up," Corey says shoving me as he enters the house. I roll my eyes with a smirk, flipping him off.

"Kian!!" Franny yells loudly as his name echoes throughout the house, "We got you food!" she says placing the container on the counter.

"He's not gonna come down, I told you not to get anything." Corey says shaking his head. "Yeah, but he needs to eat something, he hasn't eaten actual food in god knows how long." I say, sitting down at the island.

"It's not our fault, he's grown, he's choosing not to eat." Corey protests, and Bobby slightly nods, leaning on the island across from me, "Corey has a point, Kian knows right from wrong."

I shake my head, "He's been through a lot, haven't we gone over this? He's grieving, he doesn't know right from wrong. I mean think about it, I've been asking him for how many months to upload one video?" I ask all of them.

"Yeah, but-" "There is no butts, he finally got it up though, which I'm glad, he'll slowly get back to normal, it's just going to have to take some time. He needs to let Layla be a memory." As I say her name, everyone becomes quiet, her name hardly spoken in the house anymore. It brought pain to all of us.

I take a deep breath, looking down at counter, "If she were here, if Layla were here she'd want us to push Kian out of any complications he's in. We've been with him all for so long. We can't let him crash." I say quietly, my voice filling the empty void in the room.

"You're right, Lay would want that." Fran says, wiping off the tears quickly that began to fall from her eyes. "We should do something, like a memorial thing for her." Corey mentions. Bobby walking over to Franny, wrapping his arms around her. Her body leaning on him for support.

"Like balloons or something?" I ask, looking at Corey. "Maybe like those floating lanterns. Their favorite movie is Tangled. It would be cute." Corey says now looking at me, before shrugging.

"I like that." Fran says with a nod, wiping the last of her tears. "We should call all her family and friends, all of ours for support, for Kian." she adds, and I nod my head. "Should we ask him or keep it a secret and surprise him though?" Bobby asks, looking at mostly Corey and I.

"I'll ask him, we can't keep something from him, especially that." I say standing up, and making my way around to a drawer grabbing a fork, before taking the container of food.

The three of them continue a conversation, as I make my way up the stairs. Food in hand and my mind filled with thoughts.

Layla's been gone for what seems like forever and it's impacted all of us in different ways. I've spent nights just driving around when Kian wasn't, to just see if I can get a glimpse of her. So many times I've mistaken people to be Layla and it was this big climax thinking it's her, to it crashing down quickly, with it being someone else.

We all miss her, Kian misses her, I miss her. It sucks man.

My thoughts vanish as Kian begins to leave his room, his eyes going wide as we make eye contact. His cheeks were flushed, and his short hair still managing to somehow be a mess. There was two large hickeys on the side of his neck.

"I-I got you food." I say slowly, trying to ignore what I'm seeing, "Oh! thanks, I was going to head down to get some food, just now." Kian says, clearing his voice at the end.

"Ki! Who are you talking too?" A female voice comes from Kian's room, I could feel my chest slightly tighten.

Why is that voice so familiar? It's so fresh in my mind, why isn't it clicking?

"Jc!" The female now coming into view behind Kian, covering her practically naked body. My eyes widening, realizing that's the last girl I'd expect come out of Kians room.


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