16. just friends,

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Jc's POV

I could feel my mouth becoming dry, watching two of my closet friends battle it out between one another.

I've never met two people who were so perfect together, yet are better off going two separate ways.

My thoughts trail off for a few seconds before I realize where I am. I shouldn't be here.

I glance over at Kian and Layla, Kian giving me a weak smile. And I knew it was my time to get out of there.

I nudge Andrea slightly, before nodding my head towards the door. Hitting Bobby's arm to get his attention, as Corey looks over before we walk out.

Andrea closes the door, shaking her head slightly, "Holy shit." she whispers to herself, "It's fucking crazy." Corey says, as we all begin to make our way to the kitchen downstairs.

"I feel bad though, you know?" I say, shrugging my shoulders, sliding onto a stool. "Kian locked himself in his room for almost a week, and now he's in there talking to the one person who did that to him."

"Hold on," Andrea immediately cuts in, "Layla didn't do anything, Kian chose to be in that room, he could've came out. She didn't tell him to not see anyone, he did it to himself." She says, crossing her arms over her chest as she stands across the island from me.

Shrugging my shoulders slightly, I play with a piece of paper that lays on the counter, not in the mood to argue with anyone at this point.

"Besides Kian is extremely stubborn. When he wants something he always manages to get it."

I nod my head in agreement with Andrea, "Yeah, but Layla is a different story, she doesn't allow him to get what he wants when it's reasonable, sometimes he gives in or he argues till he can do it."

Everyone stays quiet for a few moments, the only sound being paws gently hitting the floor as DiCaprio and Wishbone walk around.

"Maybe they need time alone, without social media being involved." Bobby contributes, taking off his hat for a brief moment before placing it back on.

"You're talking about Kian, Bobby. Besides even without social media, they can still manage to find some way of arguing." Corey chimes in, taking a water bottle out of the fridge.

"They'll figure out something...hopefully." I say, looking at Bobby and Corey.

It once again becomes quiet.

"So the weather outside...? Nice right?" Corey awkwardly tries to get conversation going.

"Shut up Corey." I say with a laugh. He says the most ridiculous things at the most ridiculous times, but I love him.

"How about we go over video ideas or something?" I wanted to find something to occupy us that was useful. We all knew we shouldn't leave Kian and Layla alone.

"Dude, there was this really cool idea I had." Andrea begins the conversation, leaving us all in this little circle to talk amounts ourselves.

"Hey." Layla says walking up to the counter with a small smile, Kian tailing behind but walks over to a cabinet not paying attention to us all.

"Hey! How's everything?" Andrea asks looking at Layla, raising a brow.

"Everything is good, finally. We talked it out and we agreed on being friends. Just friends."

Layla looked content with her words, I glance over at Kian, who opens a granola bar, looking down at it before he lets out a quiet short sarcastic laugh, taking a bit of it as he walks towards the living room.

"Right Kian?" Layla asks, looking at him now.

"Huh? Oh yeah right. Friends." He says stopping for a second with a big smile.

I squint my eyes at him, but I could tell something was up. He didn't like it, as he looked at me, "Dude what?" "Nothing nothing." I say immediately holding my hands up as he shakes his head, and goes off into the living room.

"Layla can we talk alone?" Andrea asks, getting off the stool, "Yeah..." Layla says slowly a bit confused.

The girls leave the kitchen and head upstairs, my eyes trailing over to Kian who is slouching on the couch, PS4 controller in hand his eyes not leaving the television screen, even as I plop down next to him.

"You good?"

"Never been better."

"You sure?"


"100% positive?"


"And just friends is fine?"

"Jc, can you like fuck off?"

"Fine....fine. But 101%?"

"Duddddeeeeeee fuck off."

I knew he was pissed and also upset, but I'm better off bothering him cause he'll keep himself closed off forever.

And I can't lose my best friend.

Holy Moly, I'm a loser for freaking out for over 600 reads, lol oops!

thank you for reading xo

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