8. the truth,

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Layla's POV:

"This is honestly hilarious," I say with a laugh, looking down at my phone, reading comments of Andrea's last post.

Andrea looks over from her sautéing vegetables on the stove with a smirk, "I mean it keeps the comments rolling and people guessing." she says with a shrug, moving her attention back to the pan.

Now you may be wondering why Andrea is sautéing vegetables, well it's about 3am, we're half drunk half sober from a small night out with friends. We were both craving vegetables for some odd reason.

"Do you mind if I add some red onions?" she asks making her way to the fridge, "No please do, those are my favorite to be perfectly honest." I say with a laugh.

"Same! One time I was really hungry and I ate it like an apple." Andrea says in the most serious tone.

"Really?" My face scrunching up in slight disgust, "I mean how many times did you have to brush your teeth?"

"I'm kidding! ...maybe," she whispers with a laugh, obviously joking as she begins to cut the onion.

"Aha," I say slowly, holding a wine glass in my hand that's almost empty, swirling the wine to be dramatic before taking a sip.

My eyes trail back over to my phone, placing the glass back down on the counter. "Hm, Kian liked the photo wonder what he's thinking,"

"How the fuck did I get to date both of these gorgeous girls?" Andrea says with a laugh, "Yeah lucky him," I say with a smirk.

I was the first to date Kian, then after me was Andrea and Meredith so far.

It was odd seeing Andrea after I went separate ways with Kian and she was with him. We both knew who each other was, but we weren't sure if we should acknowledge one another.

But, somehow we began to talk, and we managed to click like two perfect puzzle pieces.

Or as Andrea puts it, if were interested in the same guy there has to be some connection.

"When was the last time you spoke to him?" I ask curiously. "Um, probably the ex-boyfriend tag," she says with a laugh, "What about you?"

I raise a brow, locking my phone and moving my eyes to my glass, before picking up the wine bottle filling my glass as well as Andrea's.

Andrea's head turns slowly to look at me, "Layla..."

"Well in person or text message..." I say slowly, tightening my lips together, not wanting to look at her.

"Layla there is options?! What the fuck are you not telling me?!" She says turning off the stove. I let out a laugh, shrugging my shoulders, "Nothing really."

"Answer both then. When you last texted him and spoke face to face." She says standing on the other side of the counter with both hands on top.

I smirk slightly, tracing the tiles slowly on the counter top, "Face to face, a week or so ago. And texting well.." I begin, but with perfect timing, my phone lights up.

"Layla you're joking," Andrea says, but within a flash, she snatches my phone and takes off running. "Andrea stop!" I squeal with a laugh quickly getting off the bench and chasing after her.

"No! Why didn't you tell me!" She shouts, before I meet her bedroom door as she slams it shut and locks it. I groan resting my head on the door, "I didn't know I had too! We're just chatting."

"'Chatting' who are you? This isn't chatting." she says with a slight laugh, "Now what is your passcode."

I take a deep breath, thinking if I don't give it to her God knows how long I'll be standing outside this door.


so into girls now I see..👀

maybe, they are much easier to deal with👀

aha, so no more boys for you?

I'm not sure, maybe I'll accept a few in🤷‍♀️

SO I'm accepted in?

I did once already, didn't I?

touchy cutie🙃


so that means I'm still accepted?🙄

I listen to Andrea read out the small conversation from Kian and I, and I could feel my heart pounding. It felt like I got caught sneaking around with a boy and my parents just found out.

"Honestly you guys are disgustingly cute," Andrea says finally opening the door and holding my phone out. I take it before shaking my head, trying to hide a small smile.

Andrea nudges me softly as she passes me, "No need to hide it, I'm sure you still have some type of feelings, he sure does."

I follow behind Andrea and take my seat once again, "What makes you say that?"

"Well for one, Kian doesn't answer texts immediately after you send one."

"Two, he never texts nicknames or such unless he's desperate for some type of attention."

"And three, you guys both still had feelings when you broke up. You both tucked it under a blanket and have been sleeping on top of it, never pulling back the covers to reveal it till now."

Andrea doesn't look at me, placing the sautéed vegetables equally on two plates, "Like Kian and I both knew our time was up, we couldn't stand each other any longer, there was no feelings left." She continues, before placing the now dirty pan in the sink.

"I may just be speaking nonsense, but come on, it makes sense to get back together."

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, things are just complicated."

"Things are complicated or you're just making them complicated?" She asks raising a brow, before placing a plate and fork in front of me.

Authors Note: thank you for reading xo

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