32. just a slap,

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Layla's POV

I allow the water to drip off my body once I turned off the shower. Looking down at the drain as the water slowly moves down,hearing as the drain takes the last of the water.

I'm embraced by the hot steam that was left from the shower once opening the curtain, I step out grabbing my towel and wrapping it around me.

It's been a month since I returned home, I wish I knew what happened to me, I wish I understood where I was, who I was with.

But, I don't.

It's this big black blur in my life that I can never take back. I was taken from my family and friends, they thought I was dead, I thought I was dying.

I was left at a gas station bathroom, 8.6 miles away from home. No sign of anyone leaving me there, cameras weren't working, of course. It's a case that's open for investigation without any evidence on what happened, besides me. Yet I was fine, healthy as a loud sweet sounding whistle.

I had bruising and a few cuts here and there, they healed. Not a mark was left on me. It's just this feeling of not knowing, you know? Not knowing what happened to me, so many things could've been done, but I just don't know.

I go to therapy now, every Thursday at 1, I don't miss it, my therapist says I'm a good patient which I believe entirely. I do exactly as she says, and everything goes smoothly.

Eventually I exit the bathroom after doing my normal routine, stepping into my closet, and looking for something to wear. Pulling on leggings and a sweatshirt, the only thing I wear really.

Sliding my feet into my slippers, I grab my phone and make my way out of the room and down the steps. It was quiet in the house, mostly because it's nice out and everyone enjoys being out, I don't.

Once I reach downstairs, all the dogs heads perk up in excitement, as they lay on the couch. Making my way over, I plop my body down laying on my side, resting my head on a pillow, tired already.

DiCaprio makes his way over quickly, and decides to get comfortable near my stomach. Wishbone stays where he was, only looking before resting his head back down. Hamlet makes a slight groaning noise, before laying on his side back on the floor.

It was a comfortable silence in the house, and I was ready to go back to sleep. I probably had my eyes closed for what felt like five minutes before all the dogs began to bark and run toward the front door.

My eyes shoot open, shaken by the sudden noise and movement. I sigh, sitting up slowly, pulling my legs up on the couch and closer to me.

"Okay! Okay! I know I'm back, I'm back!" Kian's voice fills the house, fills my drained body, as I could feel my body grow stiff like cement.

I keep my eyes looking at the television, hearing the sound of the door closing, bags hitting the floor along with a sigh of relief.

Footsteps begin to sound closer, I immediately stand up, wanting to escape, but where? I had no where to go.

My eyes immediately lock with Kian's, he stops and stares at me. His face had dropped all expressions, he was emotionless. The only sound being heard were the dogs nails hitting the wood floor.

We stand there both looking at each other, not sure what to do, what to say. Kian slowly opens his mouth to say something, but I could already see his eyes watering.

Kian shakes his head, seeming to shake away the thought he had in mind. He moves quickly, moving closer to me not allowing any space between us. He holds the sides of my face, in the most comforting way possible.

And he kisses me.

It wasn't a normal kiss, it wasn't a gross slobbering kiss. It was a kiss we both were longing for so long.

It was intense, passionate and soft yet still the best kiss I ever had.

Kian pulls away slightly, resting his forehead on mine, his eyes scanning to look at mine, but it looked like he was searching for so much more.

"I-I thought I lost you, I thought I'd never see you again."

Those were the first words to leave Kian's mouth, and it broke my heart into a million pieces.

"I'm sorry." Is all I could manage to say to him, before his lips once again attached to mine.

It felt like our lips were made to be perfectly molded together, we didn't want to let go, we both didn't want this feeling to vanish.

"So you had to lock lips with her to gain access to a water bottle?"

Kian and I both look quickly over at Meredith. We didn't hear her come in, we didn't even hear the dogs barking.

"Babe it was noth-" Meredith holds her hand up at Kian, before making her way to stand in front of him, yet facing me.

"I'm going to be straight with you Layla, Kian is my boyfriend. And it seems to be every time he's mine, you come trailing along. Don't touch him. I get you were kidnapped or whatever the case may be, but it was a while ago, find yourself a man, but stay away from mine."

I raise my brow, before raising my hand and slapping her pretty little left cheek.


Gotta love a sassy Meredith, right?! lol

thought I'd treat you to a chapter before I head off to bed, since some are asking. 🤭

goodnight & enjoy!


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