28. night ends,

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Kian's POV

"Kian wake up sleepyhead." Her voice spoke quietly in my ear. I could feel chills run down my spine, as I open my eyes slowly to see her, but she wasn't there. "Kian..." I hear her whisper, before my door slams closed. I quickly climb out of bed, and over to my door, opening it as I look into the hallway. "Where are you?"  I call out, the house was quiet and dark, the only light being the moon shining through the windows. "Right here silly." she says with a giggle. I look down the open area to the living room, I see her quickly run off out of view.  "Why are we playing this game." I sigh, and quickly making my way to the stairs and down. It was cold, I could see my breath as I breathed out. "Can you stop this. I don't like it." I say blowing air into my hands, before crossing my arms closely to me. I look around in the kitchen and living room, but there was no one. "Layla, Where are you?" "I'm right here." I turn around quickly and see her in the doorway of the sliding doors to the backyard. She was still wearing the same outfit I last saw her in, yet they looked dirty and ripped.  "Where were you?" I ask. "I don't know. I still don't know." "What do you mean?" I ask, beginning to walk closer to her, she begins to walk backwards. "Find me Kian. Find me." "I found you, you're right here." I'm now standing in the backyard, three feet away from her. I could probably grab her if I wanted too. Layla smiles softly, shaking her head, "Not yet." Her voice was barley loud enough for me to hear, she begins to fall back into the pool, I quickly run forward to grab her, but miss. I stand at the edge of the pool and watch her go deeper and deeper. "She can't swim Kian, save her, she can't swim Kian. Save her." My voice trails off before jumping in after her.

I sit up immediately feeling a splash of water hit my face, taking a deep breath in before wiping my face quickly. "Finally! I thought your ass was never going to get up." Jc says with a huff, placing the now empty cup on the side table. "What?!" I groan in anger standing up and making my way to the bathroom to wipe my face.

"The video, the one you need to finish up? Remember?" Jc asks crossing his arms as he turns his body towards the bathroom. "Yeah yeah," I say wiping my face with a towel. "Alright, cause everyones getting a bit antsy." Jc says before making his way out of the room. I sigh, finishing wiping my face and tossing the towel into the hamper. "Hey Kian." "Yeah?" "You okay?" "Yeah I'm good, thanks." I say quietly placing my hands on the cold marble counter looking at myself in the mirror as I hear my bedroom door close softly.

Three months...Three months Layla has been gone, three months and all I have been having is nightmares, nightmares that I don't understand, I want to understand. It's been hard, but I've been pushing.  I couldn't sleep for the first month, I didn't know what food was, I didn't want to look outside, I didn't want to go outside, all the projects that could've been, I declined. I wasn't in a good place, I'm still not in a good place. But, I have to push through it, so many people came to me, my mom
even flew out to California to see me, and once I saw her the tears came out like a waterfall. I was broken. I'll always be broken.

I look down, composing myself from the nightmare. Before making my way out of the bathroom and then out of the bedroom, hearing already the craziness already downstairs.

"COREY STOP!" Franny yells with a laugh, "COREY YOU'RE KILLING SANTA!" Bobby shouts. I smirk slightly, fully making my way downstairs to see Corey throwing fists at the blow-up Santa, Bobby recording and Franny watching on the side lines. Shaking my head, I go to the cabinet to find myself something to eat, the commotion quieting down slowly. "You know it's going to wind up breaking Santa." Franny laughs and Corey tries to pick up the figure and make sure it stands up, "It already is!" Bobby says with a groan laughing.

"Kian!" Franny shouts coming over and hugging me tightly, "Yes Fran?!" I say allowing her to hug me before she pulls back. "We're going out to eat, wanna come?"

I pull out a bag of torilla chips and hold it up to Franny with a smile, "My dinner." Franny frowns, "That's not food Kian." "If I can consume it and it was bought in a supermarket, it's most likely food." I say with a smirk. "Well not really..." Bobby says, placing his camera on the counter. "Just come Kian it'll be fun!" He continues and I shake my head, "I have to finish editing a video, and have it uploaded by tonight."

"Can't. gotta edit?" Corey points at me with a smirk, "Exactly," I say pointing back at him. "Are you sure though Kian? Do you want us to bring you back something?" Franny continues.

"I'll be fine! You guys enjoy!" I say waving them off, and heading to the stairs with my chips, Jc running down, "You coming?" He asks, "Nah, gotta edit the video remember?" "Right...." He says patting my shoulder and passing. I nod before skipping two steps at a time, to reach upstairs faster, opening the chip bag and popping one in my mouth. Getting into my room, I plop onto the bed and pull my laptop onto my lap, taking a deep breath. This could be long.

"Hey guys, sorry about the late upload, but it's up now so check it out!" I say with a smile, holding up a peace sign. Rewatching the snapchat I send it to my story, and climb off the bed with a groan, stretching myself out. Two hours since I decided to eat my last chip I feel my stomach growl, before huffing maybe I need to actually eat something.

I make my way down to the kitchen, humming quietly to myself, feeling accomplished that I uploaded the video. "Hi Kiggy." I say quietly, petting Vega's head as he's sprawled across the counter. I open the fridge and look inside to see what I can eat, not much is there mostly expired. I open the freezer, and find some waffles, deciding it'll fill my hunger until I'm hungry again. Putting them in the toaster, and setting the timer, making sure it's fully on before I hear a gentle knock on the door.

Pushing off the counter, I make my way towards the door figuring it was the guys and they forgot their keys. "I had a feeling you guys forgot your ke-" The door now wide open, my heart beating to fast for me to even catch my breath, I open my mouth to say something, but I close it, swallowing the big lump in my throat. "Kian.." she whispers quietly.



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