42. prettyboy,

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Brandon's POV:

"What are you doing here?" Her voice was quiet and her body seemed to become so fragile.

"I needed to fix things. If I don't do it now, than things will never be the same."

"You need to go dude, before I drag you out myself." I feel Kian's hand on my shoulder, as he puts pressure on me, "like now." He was serious and his voice seemed to become deeper.

I nudge his hand off my shoulder, taking a step forward, Layla moves herself closer to the bed away from me."Please babe, I just want to talk to you, face to face, one on one, please." I practically beg. Layla looks up at Dom before her eyes move to Kian than mine. "I'll talk to you, but it has to be in here, with everyone." "Layla..." I sigh looking down at the ground.

"You came in here like a lunatic, you honestly think I want to be alone with you?" Those words stung me, and I look back up at her, "Ok." I could feel Kian's eyes burning in the back of my head, Dom staring me down as Layla keeps her eyes from staying focused on me.

"I just want everything to go back the way it was, when we were happy and everything was all fine and we had no care in the world." I say with a sigh, moving my hand through my hair, " I don't want to deal with this childish game of having to find you to talk about our problems and that's the thing you never want to talk about our problems, you just expect them to be fixed within a few seconds."

Layla lets out a laugh, "You're serious? Like completely dead ass?" I nod my head, "Yeah." I say as if it's obvious. Layla nods her head slowly as if all I said was being processed through her head just now. "You think we were happy, actually correction," she says holding her finger up before pointing at herself, "You think I was happy?" I raise a brow, "You weren't?" "No." She says with a quick response.

"Let me break it down for you." She says, "You say how you deal with my childish games, yet you treat me like a child. I can't make my own decisions, I need to be approved by you for the most part. I have to be your little robot, I can't eat this, I can't do this, I can't hang out with these people. A relationship isn't going to be happy, especially when one part of it is trying to control the other. It's an equal commitment. The reason I just ignore our problems is because it's not our problems, it's yours." Layla says with a shrug.

My eyebrows knit together as I let out a laugh, "Holy fuck, you're making up stories, you can't be serious Layla. This is probably one of the dumbest things I heard out of your mouth, I try to make everything about you, I try to make sure you are pleas-"

"No hun. Nothing was ever about me, and you damn well know that." Layla snaps and I raise a brow, seeing how snappy she was getting. I shake my head, "Fuck I can see how you really are a dumbass, you're completely blind and seem to not give a shit about us from the beginning then. Is this why Kian and you never worked out?"

I can see Layla's face change as Kian's name left my lips and once again a strong hand is on my shoulder. "Alright that's enough." "Wait, you and Kian are still a thing?" I say and Layla looks away from me quickly. I let out a laugh, "So you were playing right behind my back, I can see what a women you are."

Kian pulls me out of the room, as I wasn't even able to focus on being balanced when walking because he pushed me out so quickly. I fall to the ground, looking up as I see Jc standing in front of me. "Get the fuck up dude." I smirk, pulling myself up slowly. "So that means you knew about them? I thought we were pals Jay?" "Move." Kian says through his teeth, pushing me to the door. I hold my hands up, making my way to the door.

"You know Kian, I thought there was guy code and all, but I can see you don't seem to follow any of that. Still in love with the same shitty girl you were in love with at the age of 17, what a shame." I say shaking my head getting ready to open the door.

"Kian!" I hear Jc yell before I feel hands grip my shirt and pull me back and onto the floor. Everything goes so quickly, Kian standing on top of me and throwing punches as hard as he could, it felt like bricks hitting me back and forth. I try to push him off and get a punch or two in myself, but soon Kian is pulled off by both Jc and Dom.

I stand up quickly, feeling my lip and looking at the blood on my fingers. I nod my head, "You'll regret this pretty boy." I say pointing at him, Kian already trying to pull away.

My eyes look over at Layla, her arms wrapped around her tightly as tears stream down her face, I roll my eyes and make my way out of the apartment, slamming the door behind me. I continue to wipe the blood off my lip, as I walk down the hallway.

They both have something coming for them.


sorry for it being so short, i'll make it up next time!

Thanks for reading. xx

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