36. daddy,

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Kian's POV

I stare at the television, the world cup playing loud enough to distract me from my thoughts, distract me from my thoughts so nothing can escape from my lips.

"So you and Brandon still a thing?" I squeeze my lips tightly together, maybe I thought too soon. My eyes continue to stay on the screen, before turning my head to look over at Layla. She was petting DiCaprio as he lays besides her, her eyes move to me as we lock them for moment and she looks away quickly.

"Yeah, still a thing." She says with a slight laugh, "Still a thing.." she mumbles again quietly. "What about you and um.. Olivia?" Layla asks, as I quickly sit up the blanket falling to my lap.

I clear my throat, sitting back on the coach to adjust myself shrugging my shoulders a bit, "It... um was a thing, not anymore." "Oh?" I seemed to have peaked her interest as she also sat up, Layla's eyes now on me. I nod my head slowly, "Yeah, just a fling? I wish I could explain it, it was quick. Nothing that hurt us both. We both agreed we wanted different things."

Layla raised a brow as I spoke, "Wanted different things?"

I nod my head slowly as well as the word that comes out of my mouth, "yeah.." I chuckle slightly trying to hide what I'm truly feeling.

I needed a distraction, I needed to get Layla off my mind and Olivia seemed to have come at a perfect time. She distracted me, she showed me a good time and made all my problems go numb. No one knew about us besides close friends and once Olivia and I started to get closer she knew something was off about me. Olivia knew I was miserable, not with her, but not being with someone else. We talked for a good while and she understood completely which left us off as friends. I'm glad I gained a friend to talk to, instead of losing someone completely from my life.

The room once again goes quiet, a loud roar of cheers from the television seems to be louder than what it should be. I quickly grab the remote to lower it, but my head snaps over to Layla who cries in pain. DiCaprio quickly running away, she grips her finger tightly. "He fucking bit me." She groans, quickly getting up and making her way to the bathroom.

"Are you okay?" I push the blanket off me and follow her to the bathroom. "Yeah, I should be fine, I just wasn't expecting it." She tries to laugh it off, running her finger under the water. Sucking her breath in, I frown, "Is there blood?" I ask basically hovering over her to see her finger. "Yeah, but nothing crazy. I should be fine."

Looking around the bathroom, before opening the cabinet, trying to find some type of ointment or band-aid. I go over to a cabinet in the bathroom and the first drawer is a perfectly placed first-aid kit. I pull it out, "sit." I nod to the toilet, opening the kit and searching for a few things. I place the kit on top of the cabinet and go over to Layla, grabbing her hand and looking at her injured finger. "It doesn't look bad, just some Neosporin and a band-aid should do it." I smirk, and begin to gently apply the ointment to her finger.

Layla lets out a laugh, as I knit my eyebrows together and laugh a little as well, "What?" I ask, making sure the ointment if fully on before applying the band-aid. "You're treating me like a kid." I shake my head immediately, "I would never!" I say sarcastically crumbling the wrapper from the band-aid and putting it in the trash, "All done squirt." I smirk as Layla gasps standing up, her chest just barely touching mine.

"Don't ever call me that!" She says with a huff. "Nah I think I'll stick with that nickname, squirt." The smirk stays spread across my face, as she squeezes her eyes shut shaking her head. "Fine! You want to play that game, how about I call you daddy."

My nose scrunches up, I used to tell Layla that I hated when girls called their boyfriends or anyone that they were in an intimate relationship with daddy. But, deep down I fucking loved it. It made my knees weak, and my body was filled with heat in seconds. I knew if Layla knew I liked it when we were together she'd use it against me, but I never thought the other way around would still come and haunt me.

"Stop it!" I groan and she smirks, "What's the matter daddy? Is there a problem?"

Sighing, my eyes move to her lips then back to her eyes, "Seriously stop." I say shaking my head, my body not wanting to move away from how close we were.

"Aw, did I hurt your feelings...daddy?" Layla took a little too long with the nickname as they left her mouth.

I couldn't take it any longer, my hands grip her waist holding her up as I push her to the wall, my body pressing against hers as her legs wrap securely around me. My eyes lock with hers, they were wide and surprised. I rest my forehead on hers our breathing becoming heavier from the closeness. "Please stop calling me that." My lips brush against hers, I could feel my heart coming out of my ass by now.

"Yes daddy." Just as those words leave her mouth, DiCaprio begins to bark as the front door opens.

"We're back!! Fran just push the bags in!" Bobby says as Franny laughs, "I can't!"

I quickly let Layla get down, her eyes never leaving mine. "Guys?" Bobby calls, "Yeah we're in here!" I call to him before moving away from her, and going to the kit to close it and put it away. Swallowing the hardest lump that has ever been in my throat, I close the drawer and as I step out of the bathroom Bobby steps in front of me with a laugh, "Everything ok?" He asks looking at me and then past me to Layla.

"Y-Yeah, just a bit in shock." Layla says still pressed against the wall, holding up her band-aid ring finger. "Cap just bit me is all."

Bobby's eyebrows raise, "Are you ok? What happened? Did you do something or was it him? Cap you bad boy where did you go?" Bobby asks going into his bedroom to search for the hiding dog.

I turn my head to look at Layla as she stares at me with a blank expression.

I don't know what the fuck just happened and I don't think she does either.


holy moly pepperoni.

GUYS i'm #2 ranking in the 'kian' search as well as #6 ranking in the 'kianlawley' search!!! ahhh this makes me so happy, thank you guys 🧡

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