26. missing,

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Alaina's POV

"Layla? You in here? Lay?" I call out going into the bathroom, the bathroom was long with many stalls, smelled of perfume and alcohol mixed together, it was strong.

"Layla.." I call knocking on one of the locked stalls, "Sorry! Taken!" A girl shouts. I take a step back, "Sorry.."

I continue to look throughout the bathroom, taking a deep breath in. "Fuck fuck fuck.." I quickly walk out of the bathroom, seeing Jc and Chandler talking to someone, he was tall, but his face wasn't visible from so far away.

Making my way over to them the person becomes familiar, Kian.

"What do you mean she just vanished? This isn't a game." Kian throws his hands around, frustrated already.

"Dude! We aren't playing she's been missing for an hour." Jc shakes his head, "We looked everywhere, right Alaina?"

I take a deep breath, now annoyed Jc brought me into the conversation as I wasn't in the mood to get Kian more upset. "Y-Yeah, we checked everywhere in the club."

"Fuck this. I'm going to security this is ridiculous." Kian says storming away.

"Kian! Slow down!" I shout, all of us quickly following behind him.

Once Kian told the guards the situation, the club was immediately shut down, the police was called as everyone was questioned that seemed suspicious. Soon Chandler, Kian, Jc and I were standing outside the club talking to the officers and describing Layla.

"She has a black jeep grand cherokee, her license plate is AD3-2US." Kian says quietly to one of the officers that seems to be writing everything down that we've been saying. I pull Jc's coat over me more that he gave me because I started getting cold. I was growing tired, the alcohol I drank has already worn off, my feet were killing me. Yet, as I stand there none of it mattered because I'm worried about Layla.

The officer reads over everything and nods his head, "Alright, so when we find anything we'll give you a call Kian."

"We can't do anything?" Kian asks immediately.

"As of right now, all you could do is go home and get some rest, it's been a long night for all of you, so we'll call you." The other officer says with a nod.

"Okay, thank you officers." Chandler says with a small smile, knowing the officers didn't want to stay here any longer. The officers nod, walking away leaving us all to ourselves. "How about we do what the officers say, come on."I say, nudging Jc to talk to Kian.

"Yeah, Kian, come on. You came with your car?" Jc asks, Kian nodding handing Jc the keys which he hands to me. I figured I'd be driving, I was planning on it anyhow.

"Hey," Chandler says grabbing my arm to stop me, I raise a brow turning to look at her. "I'm going to head home, a lot happened tonight and my heads spinning."

I frown nodding my head, "want a drive home, I'm sure the boys wouldn't mind it.."

"Uh...n-no it's fine! Someone is gonna pick me up!" Chandler says with an awkward smile.

Knitting my eyebrows, I study Chandlers face, before nodding, "Alright, text me when you get home than."

"Okay! love you!" She says hugging me quickly, "I'll see you soon!" she says turning and making her way down the block.

"Oh okay, love you too, bye!" I say quickly, watching her basically run down the block, before turning the corner. That was odd...

"Alaina! Can you unlock the doors!" Jc shouts, and I turn my body back to where it was originally walking, unlocking the door as I quickly catch up to the boys, Kian goes in the back, Jc closing the door behind him, "You okay?" He asks, I just shrug, "I've been better." I say walking to the drivers side.

The car ride was quiet, some times Jc would say a few things to Kian, yet Kian was like stone, not moving or saying anything, just one bland emotion. Eventually we arrived at the house, before even parking the car, Kian got out, heading straight inside.

I take a deep breath, leaning against the seat, turning the car off once parked. "He doesn't know what to do, he's scared." Jc says quietly.

"Well I am too, I get to see Layla again and all of a sudden she's gone within less than twenty-four hours, how?" I sigh, closing my eyes and swallowing slowly.

"I personally don't know, I wish I did. I wish I knew why tonight out of all nights it had to be today, why it had to be Layla, we just have to keep a positive mind, or at least not to worry ourselves sick, we'll find her, and she'll be fine." Jc says quietly, placing his hand on my thigh, his thumb rubbing against my exposed skin. "Now come on, let's go in, and get some rest, I'll drive you home tomorrow morning. "

Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes slowly, looking over at him, as he gives me a gentle reassuring smile, "Come on." He nods. Patting my thigh, before he climbs out of the car. I take the keys out of the engine, before I get out. Jc holds his hand out for me to take, I reach over and grab his hand tightly, locking the car and following him inside the house.

Yesterday I left my house to have a good ass time, get drunk and do me. But, instead I chose a person to have a one night stand with who is roommates with my old college best friend. I decided it would be fun to go out and all enjoy ourselves, but instead I lost my now old college best friend. Just from my decisions I caused this.

We need to find her.

I need too.


Layla Grace Nichols, where did you go???? :(

I'm sorry I haven't been active for so long, my writers block lasts for so long & I've been stuck on this chapter, but I apologize & hopefully I can get back to some type of regular schedule.

Also -- this chapter is dedicated to KIANxJAYSEE  I  love you girly, and I will continue to dedicate chapters to you, ily.

thank you for reading xo

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