37. camping,

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Layla's POV

"Camping?! When?"

"Tomorrow, we're leaving in the early morning because it's a bit of a drive."

"Oh gosh...I don't know Fran."

"Pleaseeee Layla, you can bring Brandon too." Franny whines over the phone, possibly begging on her knees if I could see her.

I sigh, thinking about just the idea of camping, "wait, so who would be coming?" "The usual, Me, Bobby, Bri, Corey, Jc, Chelsey and Kian."

"Kian's coming?" I ask almost immediately before his name could even fully leave her mouth. "Yeah.." she says with a laugh, "What's up with you guys anyway, you've been weird since Bobby's apartment the other day?"

I finish wiping off the kitchen counter, throwing the now dirty paper towel away, chewing on my inner cheek. "Nothing." I say simply, "and I'm going to the camping trip." I say quickly trying to change the subject.

"Oh my god really?! Ah I'm so excited! I have to tell Bob he needs to grab another tent! Ok Ok, meet us outside the boys apartment building at 8am...actually I'm going to
say 9am, because who knows when everybody will come down and I don't want you waiting." Franny says quickly and excited, "Ok I'll let you get to packing, don't worry about bug spray or sun screen, have it all. See you in the morning! Oh and let me know if Brandon's coming so we can figure out the car seating!"

"Ok bye Fran!" I say hanging up the phone with a huff. Walking towards the couch, I plop down, taking a breather. I cleaned my apartment all day, like deep cleaned and it never felt better. I needed to get my mind somewhere else it's been all over the place since Kian and I had that
interaction at bobby's place. We haven't talked about it since, but we seem to pretend nothing happened.

I text Brandon if he wants to come camping tomorrow, then pulling myself off the couch and to my bedroom. If I don't start packing now, who knows when I will. I think Franny said two days one night, or three days two nights. Wasn't sure, but my mom always said better to overpack then under-pack.

My phone begins to buzz, picking it up and answering, "Hellooo." I say cheerfully, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder as I fold my pants into a duffel bag.

"Hey babe, so camping? who's idea was this?" Brandon's voice echos into my ear. "It was Jc's originally. He basically wanted us to all get back together, because we all seem to be in different places at different times and we aren't like one big happy family." I shrug.

"Why did they tell you so late?"

"Because Corey was suppose to fucking ask me, but he forgot and when Bobby mentioned it to Corey today, he was like 'oh shit', so Franny called and basically begged."

"And who's coming?"

"Just the house, plus extras like Bri, Chelsey and you, if you come."

Brandon clears his throat, "It's 11pm now, so if anything I'll pack my things and head over to your apartment tonight, instead of waking up super early to make it on time."

I switch my phone to the other ear as I lay out a few shirts to see what I wanted to take, "Yeah that's fine babe, and make sure you bring warm clothes it's gonna get chilly at night."

"Yeah, I'll see you soon, bye babe."

"Byeeee-" I was cut short of my bye, by the line going dead, tossing my phone on my bed with a sigh.

Hopefully this camping trip will be fun.

Kian's POV

"Aren't you excited?" Corey asks bumping me as we make our way down the hallway to the elevator.

"Yes, but I'm fucking tired." I say, pushing Corey, and adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

Jc thought it was a good idea to leave in the morning, crack of dawn, when most likely birds are still sleeping. I should still be sleeping, but here I am, up and ready for the day.

"Did you hear that Layla's coming?" Corey asks, pushing the lobby button as the elevator doors close. I shake my head slightly, staring at my phone scrolling through songs pretending it didn't faze me.

"Yeah she's coming along with Brandon."

I put one earbud into my ear, as the headphones come out from the top of my shirt, once I click a song, the elevator doors open. "Sounds like a fun time." I say with a sigh walking out first. Of course that bitch ass Brandon has to come.

"Dude. You good?" Corey asks, taking a few quicker steps as I got further with my long legs. "Yeah, great, like I said, I'm tired." I push the entrance door open, holding it for Corey, looking around till I spot two jeeps a bit down the street everyone gathered around.

"Sleepyheads are finally here!" Jc says happily, as we make our way over.

"Yay!" I say uncheerfully before smiling, and a giggle is heard that makes my heart leap. Turning my head I look over and my smile drops. Brandon has his arms wrapped around Layla, his lips is basically a magnet to her skin as he kisses her all over her face.

Rolling my eyes, I turn my head back to Jc who claps his hands to get people's attention. "So basically Bobby and I figured out where everyone is sitting." My eyebrows knit together as my head goes back, "You chose our seats?"

"Yeah. In Bobby's car, Bobby is driving, Bri in the passenger, Corey and you in the back. In my car, myself as the driver, Chelsita in the passenger, Fran, Lay and Brandon in the back. Sounds like a plan, great!" Jc says clapping his hands again to end the announcement.

I must've looked confused because Bobby and Bri laugh, coming over to me.

"Dude all is great, we're the better car anyway." Bobby smirks. "Excuse me? And who said that?" Layla pops into the conversation. "The better jeep did!" Bri says placing her hands on her hips with a smirk. "We'll see about that." Franny joins in, shaking her head, "Let's see who gets there first." Layla nods, crossing her arms over her chest.




Bri, Fran and Layla split ways, but you could hear them laughing about their little competition. "Guys lets go!" Bri shouts as all of us are out of the jeep, and still not fully packed in, Corey and I race over to help. 

Within minutes we were on the road, bags separating Corey and I. Resting my head on the tall pile of bags to get myself comfortable, putting my other headphone in to drain out any noise other than my music. I close my eyes listening to every word of 1000x by Jarryd James ft. Broods, every word speaks to me, every single word puts me to sleep.


i wonder what's going to happen during the camping trip...

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