Dangerous Game

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I made sure that the glass doors were closed before going further into the baths. Well, more like a cave.

The bath was amazing. It was a huge lake of hot pink water with a small river going deeper into the volcano and a waterfall at the very back. The cave itself was dark, but red cristals in the walls and ceiling illuminated the area dimly, enough for a person to walk around safely.

I walked around the lake in awe until I reached the waterfall. Right next to it I saw a small inward area. It had stone benches by the right wall and small holes in the left wall full with cloths and oils for bathing.

I sniffed a few bottles and took the one that smelled like stinging nettle. Taking one of many cloths I walked to the water. My stinky dress was ripped off of my body and I quickly jumped into the water. A sigh escaped my lips as warmth hugged me and I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling.

After what felt like an hour, I finally gathered energy to begin washing myself up. I must have stank like rotten fish by this time. Standing up I poured oil onto my hair and began washing them like there was no tomorrow.

Until I heard a rock scrach the floor.

My head turned 180° and I froze. My eyes met the black ones. We both stood there not moving until I remembered that I was butt naked. Slowly, like in slow motion, I awkwardly lowered myself into water with my eyes still locked on Hades.

As if nothing happened, he walked to the "get ready" area and pulled a cloth out.

'I see you found the bath' he said and took a bottle out next. He was either smooth or didn't care about naked ladies.

'Uh... yeah' I said and continued washing my hair. My ears cought noises from the area and whitout a thought I looked over there.

My eyes were graced by godly six pack.

The man was taking his clothes as if he was alone in here!

I felt my face turn into a tomato and I turned my eyes right before he went butt naked. Slowly rinsing my hair I turned my back to him, giving a little bit of privacy. Seconds later I heard a small splash and I turned back. Hades was leaning back with his tattoed arms on the edge with his eyes closed just like me moments ago.

I took this moment to be a creep and secretly check him out. He was really ripped with his long hair pooling behind him. Few strands fell onto his fine chest and I had a nudge to touch it.

I looked back at Hades' face, right before he opened his eyes, and our eyes met for a second. Still feeling awkward I turned my gaze away and continued washing my hair even though they were probably already shining.

'Something is wrong?' I heard his deep voice from behind me.

'No...' I replied while playing with my strands not knowing how to begin washing my body with a naked man just a couple meters away from me.

'Is my presence bothering you?' He asked with amused tone and I looked at him. He still had his chill pose.

'Oh no, don't worry. I get walked upon in the baths all the time. Taking one with a stranger is no big deal either' I rolled my eyes replying sarcasticly and heard Hades chuckle.

'Then don't let me stop you' he said.

Hearing those words I felt a need to tease him and a smirk found it's way on my face.

'Very well' I said feeling a boost of confidence and swam the small distance to the edge. In one swift motion I hopped on the ground, with my legs still in the water, and pouring the oil on my arm I began cleaning myself. After I was done with my arms, I poured oil on my chest and slowly began working my way down. Then I glaced at him.

He was eating my every move whitout hiding it.

I stifled a laugh and rose my legs to clean. After I was intirely covered in oil, I jumped into water and cleaned myself.

I was done so turning to the edge of the lake I swam to it, but before I could pull myself up, I felt a strong body press me against the warm stone. A tattooed arm gripped the edge before me while the other one moved my head to my left. My eyes went wide and my heart began running laps when I felt Hades' hot breath fan my open neck.

'You are playing a dangerous game, Era' he growled and I turned my head a little bit to him.

'W-what?' I was shocked by his sudden move. He moved his hand from my jaw to my torso and pulled me closer to him. I gasped when I felt his member press against my lower back.

Holy shit, he was hard as a rock.

'Stop playing innocent. You know how you affect me and yet you keep fuelling my desire' he growled and began slowly kissing my neck. My body instantly went on fire, but my mind protested.

'We... can't...' I whispered with laboured breathing when I remembered Persephone.

'You won't win your own game. Surrender, Era' he said and squeezed one of my breast, earning a moan from me.

He was right, I couldn't win. He had me around his finger and I wanted him really bad, so I pushed my mind away and let lust overtake me.

I turned around and pulled Hades into me, crashing our lips into heated kiss. He waited no time and deepened the kiss by finding my tongue and exploring my mouth.

I felt my lower part of the body clentch with need and I climbed on Hades, snairing my legs around his torso. He grabbed me by my thighs and locked our hips while I hid my hands in his silky hair and pressed myself to his chest.

In one swift motion he entered me hitting my core and we both groaned from pleasure. He began slowly thrusting in and out of me and I couldn't contain my moans.

'You're...so...ahhh...big...' I moaned out as he began pumping faster and I dug my nails into his shoulders. In no time my head fell back and my moans and grunts turned into screams of pleasure as I let Hades to fuck me senseless.

I could feel the orgasm coming and I began moving my hips in rhythm, striving to come.

'C'mon....' I moaned and with a few hard thrust I finally came. My scream rang through the bath really loudly, but I didn't care. Hades was close behind and with a grunt he came as well, filling me with his inhuman seed.

We held each other in the embrace breathing heavily and coated in sweat from love making.

'That was... awesome' I breathed out with my face pressed to his shoulder. I heard Hades growl like a beast.

'It's only the start. Remember, Era, you belong to me now' he said and I felt shivers run down my spine.

I didn't say anything and simply nod.

Stinging nettle shampoo is the best 😌

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