Chapter 3

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"I'm sorry bout tonight. I really didn't think I'd burn the dinner...An' half the table cloth, again! " her boyfriend apologized embarrassingly, as the young couple prepared to turn in for the night. "It's alright, Marc. Maybe, we'll finally have that candlelight dinner ya keep promisin me...someday. Don't worry bout it. What're takeout menus for, eh? " the understanding Elle whispered, putting her book aside as he slipped under the covers beside her on the bed. "I love you, ya know that? " he proclaimed, flashing her a smile as he leant against the pillow while she snuggled up to him. "Hmm...prove it! " she exclaimed seductively, nuzzling his neck as she spoke. "Love, not tonight. I've got a big day tomorrow. I'm deejayin like a million V-day parties. Now, ain't that slammin?" he explained ecstatically, yawning as he was already fatigued from his deejaying duties that night. He dozed off as soon as he rolled onto his side with his back towards her, snoring while she looked up at the ceiling in disappointment. "Well, at least someone's gettin some action! " she muttered, sighing as she heard pounding and orgasmic moaning through the thin walls from Mrs. Rosewater's upstairs apartment.
"I see ya didn't sleep well either, eh? " she enquired from her desk, watching the drowsy looking doctor as he  smoothened his ruffled up hair and checked his reflection in the glass doors before entering his clinic. "Oh, yes! Mrs. Rosewater's husband kept me up all night. His, uh....condition kept on worsening last night. Should've seen Mrs. Rosewater. Poor woman was on the verge o'...Uh, tears! " he lied. "Right, yeah...I'm her downstairs neighbor. I heard her moaning last night. Kept me up all night too! " she revealed, dabbing concealer on her dark circles as she spoke. "D'you want some? You've got a hickey on your neck there, Dr. Miller." she gestured, suppressing a snicker as she offered him her concealer. "Just send in my patient, Elle." he ordered, pulling on his lab coat and adjusting the collar in a bid to hide any signs of his sexual shenanigans from the previous night, before hurrying away embarrassingly.

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