Chapter 30

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It was mumsy's last day in London and as usual she decided to spring another surprise on the couple before leaving for the airport. "Huh! The womanizer's been lurin the older women too, eh? I see his perverseness really has no limits. Doesn't even spare the senior citizens , does he?" she heard a voice deduce as she stepped out of the elevator at the clinic for a surprise visit. "Scuse me? How dare you speak bout my future son-in-law like that?!" she demanded to know, glaring at the man who'd decided to drag the good doctor's name through the mud- Dr. Williams (forever baying for Dr.Miller's  blood ever since he'd slept with his wife).  "Sleepin with his sweetheart's mum?! Has he no decency?! An' marriage on his mind?! Last I heard, he was screwin his receptionist. Here she comes now!" the dentist scoffed, shutting his trap only when he spotted Elle watching him suspiciously from her desk. She stood up, approaching the duo before he could inflict further damage. "Dr. Williams, dontcha have patients to floss? Mumsy, what's he been tellin ya?" she enquired, shooting him a mocking gaze as she spoke.  "He called Dr. Miller a womanizer. Is that true?" mumsy shot back with her own question, as Elle led her inside, far from Dr. Williams' eavesdropping ears.  " mean, he was...but, he's not anymore." Elle sputtered, deciding not to hide the truth from her mother any longer.  She thought that since mumsy had already acquainted herself and taken a shine to Dr. Miller, she'd probably let it slide...but, that wasn't the case.
"A womanizer?! You're datin a womanizer?! Ya know I hate secrets an' ya kept this from me?!" the few patients in the waiting room looked up from their magazines and almost jumped outta their chairs on  hearing mumsy cry out in disbelief once Elle had divulged the deep, dark secret to her. "Mumsy, I love him an' he's mendin his ways..." she whispered, attempting to calm the rattled old lady down.  "A womanizer's a womanizer! You're always fallin for the wrong men, Eulalie!" mumsy reprimanded, her daughter's calming words having no effect on her. "You're one to talk! What bout ya an' dad?!" Elle reminded.  "That was different. He loved me an' never cheated..." she defended her ex-husband. "An' yet he lied about the fact that he was a drug dealer who sold drugs to teens in Hyde Park!" Elle retorted. All their shouting had attracted someone else's attention as well, as Dr. Miller walked out of his clinic on hearing the commotion."Well, hullo...What's all this talk about drugs, eh? Sounds like mumsy's got somethin up er lace sleev...Ow! What was that for?! " he began to greet jokingly with his trademark toothy grin, only to be silenced by a sudden slap across the face from mumsy. "She knows, Miller. She found out." he heard an ashamed Elle mutter as he rubbed his stinging cheek, still reeling from the slap. "It was Fr. Frederick who told on me, wasn't it? I knew he'd turn out to be a snitch!" he exclaimed with a pained groan. "Ya bastard! Ya lied to me, ya lured her in like ya did to all those poor women..." mumsy accused in a betrayed tone.  "No, mumsy...he didn't. I did. I lied to you, I lured him in. This was just a ruse to get you offa my back, but I wasn't expectin him to fall for me. An' I wasn't expectin to fall for him either...especially after all that resilience I showed at the start, anyway." Elle stood up for him, planting a kiss on his cheek in a bid to stop the stinging sensation. 
"Seriously, I put up all this makeup, this get-up just to get into your office.....An' then into your pants...only to hear this?! Dr.Miller, how could you?! You dumped me for your lowly receptionist?!" a heavily made up, irate female patient interrupted from a corner of the waiting room. "Oh, wow! Mrs. that you?! Ya Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad...blimey, woman!" Dr. Miller mocked, suppressing a chuckle. "An' if I recall from all our role-plays, she turned ya on!" the seductive woman reminded. "He didn't dump you. Merely cancelled your appointment, Ms. Fassbender." Elle explained, clinging to Dr. Miller protectively as Mrs. Fassbender inched closer. "An' she's my lowly receptionist! I mean, my love-ly receptionist." he corrected. "Not anymore! I'm takin her with me an' we're gonna go to America. We're gonna live with dad now at his timeshare in L.A., Elle." mumsy revealed her plans. "What?! You're gettin back together with that loser?! No...I'm not comin with you, kay, mumsy?" Elle refused, shocked on hearing her. "What...An' stayin with him?! I'm pretty sure he's a gigolo on the side, my dear." a nosy Dr. Williams butted in, even though no-one had noticed that he'd followed them inside. "Ya stay outta this with yer ridiculous accusations, Williams!" Dr. Miller warned, shooting daggers at him.  "Try an' stop me from outin ya, Dr. Pervert Perverson!" the usually cowardly Dr. Williams declared, putting on a brave face. Dr. Miller rushed at the annoying dentist and from then on it was a barrage of accusations, threats from Mrs. Fassbender to shut down his practice, cuss words, etc.  among those gathered in the waiting room.
"Alright, stop it, ya wankers! All of you...just...Stop!" "Wow! I've eaten at this desk, sat at it, dozed off on it...done unspeakable things with Dr. Miller atop not to mention that now, eh? Anyway, I never thought I'd be standin on it, screamin my lungs out at a bunch of adults actin like bloomin kids!" Elle ordered, her bossiness taking over as she kicked off her pumps and climbed onto her desk to make herself heard and put an end to the fight.  "You're the one standin atop furniture with your shoes on!" she heard Dr. Williams mutter childishly.  "Word of advice, mate? Stop actin like a smart aleck or you're gonna get hurt, Dr. Williams! First you turn on him with a drill, now you snitch on him and turn my own mother against him?! Against the man I love?!" she cried out, nodding in disappointment at his behavior. "Eulalie, come down from there this instant! You're breakin things off with him an' comin home with me this instant!" mumsy insisted.  "No, I am not! Been doin everythin ya wanted. You pressurised me into findin a husband an' I was always in such a hurry to do so an' I ended up rushin through a whole lotta relationships an' a whole lotta men! An' when I do find someone who I truly love, ya decide to ruin it?! I'm not having it!" Elle made up and spoke her mind to her mother. "He'll leave ya, sweetheart. Just as soon as he returns to his old ways, he won't need you in his life..." a concerned mumsy forewarned.  "Don't listen to her! I would never...! I'd feel lonely an' empty without ya, Elle." Dr. Miller begged to differ, looking up at her and hoping she'd see the truth in his words.  "Especially since ya won't have a tongue down your throat!" Dr. Williams added, snarkily. "Oh! The geek knows bout French kissin!" Dr. Miller mocked, turning towards him.  "Is that what it's called? I only read bout it in a book. Wife an' I were tryin to spice things up. But, I got so engrossed in the book, I forgot all bout her!" the pathetic man confessed. "Dr. Williams, please shut up. I'm tryin to coax my daughter out of a harmful relationship." mumsy snapped.  "An' I'm not listenin, so ya can just leave, mumsy! Ya may hate him...An' half this room hates him too...but, the girl atop the desk loves him an' that's all that matters! Miller, hold my pumps. I'm getting off my podium." Elle had the last word, stretching her arms out so he could help her down. "Ya heard the lady. Scat,shoo!" he exclaimed, grinning as a dejected Mrs. Fassbender beat a hasty retreat.  "Well, I'm done warnin the girl atop the desk! You're gonna regret this, young lady." mumsy was the next to leave, fed up of her warnings going unheeded. "C'mere, you. I've got a better idea to get ya off...if ya know what I mean!" Dr. Miller teased saucily, eliciting a giggle from her as he helped her off the desk.  ", behave!" she whispered, straddling her bare feet around his waist, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling him as he carried her in his arms. "Oh, an' if ya don't mind, Dr. Williams, we're gonna have the wildest sex right now. So, get out!" he ordered, continuing to snog her once Dr. Williams had slunk away back to his clinic.

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