Chapter 11

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"So...Yer friend, she have a last name? Nina..." the determined doctor enquired. "You're not goin out with her. Just stay away, ok? Just ....stay away." Elle advised, suddenly sounding all upset and protective. "If yer gonna get protective...! Wait....are ya more than just friends? If so, ya can tell me. I'm good with all the lesbian an' bi stuff! In fact, I've slept with a lesbian couple before. They wanted someone to spice up their marriage. Well, initially, they came in for nodes, but ya know..." he boasted, on noticing the change in her demeanor. "Ugh! No more sex stories, please! An' I'm not a lesbian. I mean, we're not a lesbian couple. It's just that...well, she's such a nice person an' I don't feel comfy talkin bout her behind her back..." she interrupted him before he made her more uncomfortable, twiddling her thumbs hesitantly as she spoke. "Just spit it out already! " he exclaimed, impatiently. "She's been in an' out of a lotta relationships. An' every breakup leaves her so miffed an' messed up that she ends up doin horrible stuff to her exes. Dinging their vehicles, poisonin their pets...An' she doesn't leave evidence! She's nice....but, ya don't mess with her vulnerable heart or play with her feelings...cuz she can turn real nasty, real fast! " Elle explained.
"Argh! Why d'you have to have such weird friends?! So frustratin! All this sexual energy....An' I can't even...! " he cried out, pacing about in an exasperated manner. "Well, she's my only friend. An' I'd like it if ya don't turn her insane...for my sake, just stay away! It's for your own good. Think of all the women you could shag if you live...." she muttered, nervously hoping he'd take her advice. "Live?! Ya mean, she kills the exes too?! " he cried out in horror, overhearing her. "Well, she won't resort to murder, I'm pretty sure..." she shrugged, before announcing the arrival of his first patient for the day- "Anyway, your first patient's here, doctor."

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