Chapter 15

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They were sharing a bowl of buttery popcorn and watching Titanic after a long day at the clinic and an unsuccessful attempt to find Dr. Miller a new home. Of course, she was the only one watching the movie as he buried his face in her lap and weeped while she amusingly tried to console him by caressing his hair gently. "Doctor...doc...let go! I've gotta answer this! Can't believe ya hadn't watched Titanic before! " she muttered under her breath, struggling to shake him off on noticing an alert for an incoming Skype call from her mother. "No....please don't leave...Jack! Ya can't die, ya can't be dead...! No! " he cried out pleadingly, sobbing into a cushion as she pushed him off and stood up from the couch, treading gently over the used tissues strewn on the floor to answer it.
"Oh...hullo, mumsy! " she greeted, as her mother's wrinkly face appeared on the screen. "Hi, love. Just checkin in. How're ya? " the old woman enquired, showing off her brand new dentures as she flashed her a toothy smile. "Fine, mumsy. Just watchin a sad movie..." she replied, lowering the volume of the telly as she slumped onto the couch. "....An' cryin buckets! I haven't cried this much since that episode o' Grey's Anatomy where Lexie Grey die....Oh, ere I go again! " he interjected, peeking over her shoulder before breaking down and grieving Lexie Grey's untimely death! "Who's that? Sounded like a man. Are ya datin someone new? " her curious mumsy asked, perking up on hearing Dr. Miller's voice. "Maybe? Look...mumsy, I've gotta go...I'm busy." she excused herself, nervously. "Dontcha hang up on me, young lady! Lemme see the fella. My possible future son-in-law! " the over-excited woman demanded, anxiously. "You can't...! He's, he's, uh....he's not in this room...oh! He's here now! " she stuttered, deciding to continue the video call elsewhere, in the kitchen- far from the living room and away from Dr. Miller's prying eyes.
She was too late, as he popped up in the kitchen to rummage through her cabinet. "Sorry. Needed more tissues. Carry on....oh! Is that ol mumsy? " he asked, noticing her Skyping away. "Oh! He's a handsome lad! Is he a DJ too? " her mumsy cooed on seeing him. Before Elle could reply on his behalf, he'd already introduced himself to her. "No, I'm a doctor. A really good one, by the way, Mrs. Vitino. Might I say, enchanté, madam....." the smooth talker began. "Sweetheart, you're gonna miss the ending." she interrupted, emphasizing on the word sweetheart in order to catch his attention, before he ended up charming her mumsy's orthopaedic socks off! "Sweetheart? I like the sound o' that! " he muttered, taken aback by her sudden attraction to him, before she quickly nudged him out of the kitchen. "A doctor, eh? Well, I'm gonna drop by next week anyway. Think ya two lovebirds have the space to put me up? Don't wanna impose or anythin..." she requested. "Oh,'re not imposin, mumsy. I'd be glad to have ya over. I'll just have to talk to doctor...uh, I mean, uh....Miller bout it..." she replied, hesitantly. "Ah! So, his name's Miller, is it? Well, I can't wait to meet him in person. See ya soon, buh-bye! " her mother bid farewell with a smile. "Mumsy...wait...bollocks! " Elle called out, cussing as the screen had already gone dark.
"I think I prefer watchin telly o'er sex after a long day at work. Less tirin! Never had anyone to watch it with me though. I think I kinda like hangin out with a roomie...especially, a roomie who calls me sweetheart! " he teased, inching closer to her as she returned to the couch. Sounds stupid...but, worth a try! She thought to herself, as she watched her boss stuff his mouth with popcorn. She felt stupid asking this of him. But, she had no choice. She wasn't going to fall victim to her mumsy's judgemental stares on this visit. She was sick and tired of being treated like a lonely, workaholic woman who was destined to remain a spinster and die alone. She, of course, wanted to wait till the right bloke came along to sweep her off her feet. "Just spit it out already! " he ordered with a mouth full of popcorn on noticing her stare, as if reading her mind. She'd half-expected him to reject the idea or almost choke on his popcorn when she finally mustered the courage to ask him- "D'you wanna be my boyfriend? " "Sure. There's gonna be sex involved in it, right? " he answered, immediately. "That was quick! An' no. I just need a fake one to fool mumsy." she explained. "Oh!, thanks! " he declined, losing interest in it before proceeding to lick his buttery fingers clean.

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