Chapter 14

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"I didn't peg ya as the fun type. What's with the Wii? " he enquired, trying to make conversation as he helped her with the dishes. "It's Marc's. Thought I'd either keep it for fun or...sell it on eBay. The bugger left all his stuff behind..." she replied, before wiping her sudsy hands on a towel. "For ya to burn, eh? " he joked, bringing the cricket bat incident. "Actually, I didn't burn it all. Couldn't bring myself to do it." she confessed, noticing he was still in the clothes he'd worn when he was pulled out of his burning home and finding it rude that she hadn't offered him fresh clothes to wear. "Haven't been under the bed before. Always been on top...if ya know what I mean!'ve been hoardin it instead, eh? " he exclaimed with a mocking grin, as they peeked under her bed to find tons of boxes filled with her ex's belongings. "Don't judge me, kay? People have been judgin me my whole life. Called me naive, too trustin...all sorts of stuff! An' they're right! I mean, I moved in with the first Londoner I met when I arrived here...cuz I'm too trustin, right? " she muttered under her breath, feeling sorry for herself. "Oi...Ya can just ignore em. Yer nothin like that. If ya were really naive, you'd have slept with me when I spouted the cheesiest lines, but ya didn't, did ya? " he comforted, squeezing her shoulder and flashing her a friendly smile. "No...An' ya don't have to make everythin bout you, desperado! I'm gonna make up the couch for ya, kay? " she whispered, lighting up on hearing his comforting words. "I'm not sleepin on that. It's full o' cat fur. I'm allergic! " he complained, once she'd made up the couch for him. "Liar, you're only allergic to horses an' marriage. Besides I'm sharin the bed with another man- Ronnie! " she retorted, seeing through his plan. "Fine! Arentcha gonna gimme a goodnight kiss? " he requested, making himself comfy on the couch before pulling her towards him and nuzzling her neck seductively, making a pass at her. "I swear, if ya try that again, I'm gonna yell rape! sooo loud..." she warned, pushing him away. "Geez! I was just joshin around, woman! G'night! " he called out with a toothy grin, as she left in a huff and slammed the bedroom door behind her.
"Oi! Yer wastin water! Yer in poor people territory now, mate! Yer s'possed to consume less water an' I've enough money left over to pay for the car I can't afford. Now, hop out. We haven't got all day." she ordered, tugging at the shower curtain impatiently the next day. " Well, I still haven't shampooed, get lost! " he retorted, his voice muffled by the sound of running water. " a pair o' wet panties pressed against my face in the mornin! " the squeaky clean man mumbled saucily, as he played around with the laundry hanging on the clothesline in the middle of the cramped apartment. "Leave my laundry alone. I haven't the luxury of a dryer, rich man! " she playfully boxed his ears as she pulled him away, before glancing at the watch and deciding it was finally time to leave to pick up her car from the repair shop. He quickly gulped down his morning coffee and followed her out, trying to catch up with her as she hurried out.
"This is the bill?! I only came in to replace a fan belt! " she cried out in horror, her eyes widening on seeing the piece of paper that the mechanic had handed to her. "Your car was in a terrible condition, ma'am. It was falling apart! Don't even wanna know what was goin on underneath that bonnet, ma'am! " he explained, wiping his greasy hands as he spoke like a professional. "F#*k ya, ya bastard! You're robbin me blind! " she retorted, angrily. "What're ya gonna do bout it, eh? Is your boyfriend here gonna beat me up? " he demanded, shooting an unimpressed look at Dr. Miller who sat quietly in the front seat. "Correction- I'm er boss. Tried to be more, but she's tough as nails, this one! Anyway, I'm not into violence. Make love, not war- that's my motto! " he replied coolly, rolling the window down to look at the greedy grease monkey square in the eye. "Ain't my motto! C'mere, ya greedy, money-stealin bastard! Bring it! " she let out a brave battle cry, lunging at the mechanic. "Told ya....tough as nails! Elle...Elle, calm down. Get off im! Think I'll drive, eh? Yer a bit hot headed at the moment, yeah? " Dr. Miller offered, jumping out of the car and pulling her away in order to save the mechanic from a severe beating, although he would've loved to stay and watch the fight! "I'm fine. Can't even sell the bloody thing, cuz it was a gift from mumsy." she grumbled, getting in behind the wheel and checking her messy hair in the rearview mirror. "Mumsy? Who's that? " he enquired, buckling up as they prepared to leave before the badly wounded man called the coppers. "That's what I call my overprotective mum, obviously! For a doctor, you're dimwitted, ya know? She thought it'd be nice if I'd my own car in London instead of travellin by unsafe public transport. These bastards...Always suckin me dry! Could've bought mumsy somethin nice with this money." she cursed under her breath, before putting the car in ignition and heaving a sigh of relief as it sputtered to life without bursting into flames! "The F-word an' bastard, eh? Kiss yer mumsy with that mouth? " he teased, eliciting a chuckle from her and bringing her out of her bad mood as they drove off.

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