Chapter 43

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"Hey-o! Breakfast's up if you're hungry! Been flippin pancakes like crazy, y'all!" Jess called out boisterously, appearing at the door in an apron covered with pancake batter. "No, thanks. I already ate." Elle declined politely. "Whoa! Elle, stay still, kay? We've got a stalker. Now, reach for your mace on my signal an' I'll blind him with the flare gun!" her roommate's kind demeanor changed on seeing Dr. Miller appear behind her and mistaking him for a stalker.
"! That's him! That's Dr. Dreamy McLetterhead!" Elle explained, pulling her fitness freak friend off her startled boyfriend as she lunged at him. "I'm who?! " he stuttered on hearing her. "Sorry, just a lil nickname we have..." Elle began to explain embarrassingly. He shrugged it off, preferring it to Doc Juan...and finding it far catchier too! ", you're him, eh? The handsome face behind the hand that writes those raunchy letters! Pleasure to meetcha! I can guess what she ate...yumm-my!" a flirtatious Jess teased.  "Give it a rest...I only ate a breakfast burger,presumptuous Poppy!" a blushing Elle corrected her roommate whose mind was constantly swimming with double entendres and naughty jokes. "Yeah, ya did...! Go get those buns, girl!" Jess teased with a wink.
"Wontcha come in?" she offered.  "No, I just wanted to talk to er in private, if that's ok?" he tried to talk his way out on feeling Jess's hand hovering over his butt cheeks! "Oh! Then, come on in, by all means! It's cozier inside for all three of us to converse." she whispered seductively, before giving them a light squeeze.  "The ol me would've jumped up at the mention of a threesome, but new me says- no, thanks, lass!" he declined respectfully...and a tad uneasily.  "Ugh! He's no fun! A one woman man, blech! I prefer my womanizer sans morals! I want my man to shag me quicker than ya can ask- more tea, guv'nor?! Have at him, Elle!" Jess threw in the towel, before heading back to her smoky kitchen.
"Has she always been this s..." he began to ask when she'd left and shut the door behind her.  "Slutty and seductive? Yes. Shagged everything since I can remember...just like you!" Elle recounted. "Well, I was gonna say stereotypical...but atleast now I know not to be in a room alone with her in case we have another misunderstandin between us, eh?" he explained, referring to the American's attempt at an English accent, before chucking nervously. "An' when's that kiss gonna come between us?" she reminded, with a nudge as if reading his mind. "What d'you mean?" he feigned unknowingness.
"I know talkin in private's code for snoggin. So get on with it before I change my mind, doc!" she ordered, her eyes roving his hungry lips and returning his longing gaze.  "Ya catch on quick!" were the last words outta his lips, before he pressed them against hers, pulling her by the waist. She deepened it, clinging to his coat with a hand with the other running through his hair. "Well, I've never...! Dated a student before,I mean. Things sure have changed!" he confessed, pulling back. "Change's a good thing, innit?" she quipped, before pulling him in for seconds.

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